If it is to the fraud squad, to Lars Nørholt sentenced to the maximum penalty for economic crime ever.

It came forward on Wednesday morning in The high Court, where an appeal against the director in the lysfirmaet Hesalight started.

the main character was a year ago sentenced to seven years ” imprisonment in the district court of Roskilde, among other things, forgery and fraud for € 350 million. kr. Thus came to the Lars Nørholt up on the side of the Stein Bagger on the list of the toughest penalties for financial fraud.

Plus How to got director svindeldom in the Stein Bagger-class

But in front of the three judges and four lay judges in the court of appeal informed the prosecutor Nathalie Elias, that the fraud squad are not satisfied.

”the Prosecution’s contention is that the punishment should be stepped up,” she told.

the Opposite requires Lars Nørholts lawyer, Christian Laubjerg, that the client will be acquitted.

The former lampedirektør is accused of fraud of more than eur 550 million. kr.

Hovedanklagen is that he is, according to the fraud squad in 2014 and 2015, the misguided investors like Pensam, the Danish Bank and Pensiondanmark to lend Hesalight ca. 600 million. kr.

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Hesalights head office in Roskilde was 18. november 2016 raided by the fraud squad. The company went bankrupt the same day. Photo: Rune Aarestrup Pedersen

According to police, the investors, however, lured by the accounts which were pumped up with fake contracts with bl.a. the global kaffekæmpe Starbucks.

in Addition sounds any charges that Lars Nørholt unduly drawn 15 million. kr. out of the treasury of the vat refund. And that he is in violation of all the agreements and have transferred 61 million. kr. from Hesalights box for his own personal finances.

the criminal Proceedings in The high Court is just one of the legal disputes, which have arisen in the aftermath of the Hesalights collapse in 2016.

In the district court in Roskilde, pending another case, where Lars Nørholt and the company’s former board of directors and auditor the competition with claim for damages of eur 200 million. kr.

See also: Now begins the scramble: Hesalight management risk expense of eur 200 million

the Case is brought by the law firm Bruun & Hjejle, who is the administrator of the estate of Hesalight.

from Here sounds the charge that Lars Nørholt has committed a series of acts, which makes him responsible for the company’s bankruptcy, while the board of directors according to the lawyers failed to keep the supervision with the director.

The case is expected to be settled in the end of march 2020, while the landsretssagen against Lars Nørholt be completed some months later.