the Minister is angry, disappointed and not satisfied at all with its top official.

It is about general, rasmussen, Morten Bødskov, who thinks his own permanent secretary in the ministry of finance, Jens Brøchner, not thought well enough about the’ in the matter of the shady east company, who built on the skattechefens cottage.

‘In this case, it is clear to me that Jens Brøchner not have thought themselves good enough and not has done his homework well enough’, says Morten Bødskov, in a press release.

the Extra Leaf has revealed the abusive relationship and direct breaches of the law by the construction, which will get the trade union 3F to sound the alarm and report the matter to the labour inspectorate.

the minister should have received an oral report from the director, but it calms not Morten Bødskov, who still think that ‘the case leaves a messy picture’.

Why stop skideballen nor there. An extra huskekage is served in writing to Jens Brøchner.

‘There must be order in the cases, and I have obviously an expectation that something similar does not repeat itself’, informs Morten Bødskov.

‘I have the clear position that there must be orderly wage and working conditions on the Danish labour market. Social dumping and undeclared work is totally unacceptable’, to turn the minister should fast.

however, There is no prospect that the skideballen leads to a fyreseddel.

‘the Matter does not affect my opinion of Jens Brøchner is the real, permanent secretary in the ministry of finance. I have full confidence that he can continue to promise its responsibilities and its tasks’, says Morten Bødskov, in a written comment.

the Parliament has asked for a statement of the case.

now Remember to ask for evidence of correct registration, when there is talk about foreign labour.

this is the sound of the council on the, if regular people want to ‘avoid the black work’.

the Director of Taxation, Jens Brøchner, asked no questions or requirements for documentation, when he met the two Lithuanian artisans in the cottage between christmas and new year.

It informs the craftsmen, en Ekstra Bladet visited them at the cottage, which the director confirms.

– He was here at christmas time, where he walked around a bit, but we talked not really with him, says one craftsman in English.

Thus acting director, contrary to what arbejdsmarkedsforsker Jens Arnholtz would have done.

– I would even as a private individual, make sure that there is a contractual wages, and that they complied with the conditions set in the legislation, with among other things, the registration, he says.

You can read the entire departmentschefens explanation here, where he gives his wife a share of the blame.

the Danish policy – 21. jan. 2020 – pm. 20:57 Skattechef revealed: I can’t live with