the Dream of becoming the president of FIFA has meant that Michel Platini has lost two of his closest allies. They are, instead, been his mortal enemies.

And who are they then? It is, indeed, Sepp Blatter, former president of FIFA, and Gianni Infantino, the current president of FIFA.

In Platinis book, ’Between Us’, which is published this week in France, he tells in detail about the plot, as he believes that only Sepp Blatter and ago Infantino has exposed him for. Only to keep him away from the presidency of FIFA.

We may scale back the time back to the 29. July 2015. After many months of reflection, published Platini, that he would stand for the presidential elections to FIFA. A choice that was to be held 26. February 2016.

The 29. July is chosen with care. It is Platinis mother’s birthday, and it marks the he in this way three months after her death.

It had not been easy for him to reach the decision to go after the presidency. One day he would. The next he would not.

– Even the day I announced my decision, I felt like the king of all idiots, he writes in the book.

However, the statements of support from 150 of the FIFA at that time, the 209 member countries, he felt pretty sure that he would be chosen.

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Platinis book, Entre nous ‘Between Us, on the street in France.

the Month before had Sepp Blatter announced that he would resign as president of FIFA, but he would stay at his post until the extraordinary congress and a half years later.

In his book writes Platini to Blatter exclusively was seated to make Platinis election campaign as difficult as possible. According to Platini sent Blatter his ’boys’ in the city to spread negative stories about Platini in German and swiss newspapers.

– Uncle Seppi made me Don Platini in the media, and he put the rumors started that I had the closet filled with skeletons.

At the Champions League draw in Monaco 28. august was Platini visited by FIFA’s former head of information, Walther de Gregorio.

– Michel, Blatter looking after things at you. Maybe something about your son. I have also heard of a payment, he will use against you.

the Month after fell the axe over Platini. FIFA’s legal director, Marco Villiger, opened faldlemmen. The payment as Walther de Gregorio had talked about, had Villiger oddly enough, found from the FIFA archives.

Villiger had sent the annex to the swiss police, and the case ended with both Blatter and Platini were excluded from all football.

For Blatter meant it not so much. He was already finished, but he would, according to the book make everything that Platini was not his replacement. Platini believes that the enmity between the two was created in 2013, but the details are still in a fog.

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the Knife in the back. Platini calls Blattter for the shark and FIFA for FIFA Nostra. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

With Platini out of the picture entered a new entrant into the scene. As Platini, president of UEFA, had he Gianni Infantino as its secretary-general. The two hung together as pea straw.

Now went Infantino to become the president of FIFA, and in his election campaign he said vote for me, for it is a vote for Platini.

Many were therefore of the opinion that Infantino would simply keep the seat warm for Platini, but it quickly went up for Platini, that he now had a new enemy.

According to the book repealed the swiss police in may 2018 the part of the case against Platini, which was about the transfer of money from Blatter in 2011. Platini believes that the FIFA at the same time could have lifted his quarantine, so that he could have put up in the presidential election of FIFA in June of this year.

– Without even spending time to consider it, informed FIFA that they would not terminate my quarantine, writes Platini in his book.

He also spends several pages in the book to tell about the close friendship Infantino has with the swiss prosecutors, and about how Infantino has invited them on trips to Mexico and to the WORLD cup in Russia last year. It is a real stinker.

But Platini has not given up. He will be back. Thus he writes to the end of his book:

– Even if I was lured into a trap by FIFA Nostra and of the traitors of the worst kind, I feel more alive than ever in the past. I’m keen to return to the world of football, although it has tried to chase me out of the back door.


Why was Platini harvested

Michel Platini would be the king of the world federation at the end of FIFA, and it was he been, if he not in 2015 was precipitated in a corruption case together with Sepp Blatter.

the Case has its origins in a payment of about 13.5 million crowns, from Blatter to Platini in 2011.

the Money was to be payment for consultancy work which Platini did for Blatter from 1998 to 2002.

Even have Platini all the way through claimed that this is a completely legal payment, and that he has not done anything wrong. But he never told me, why it took nine years of work was done, for money was paid.

In an indictment from the swiss police says that Blatter is suspected of having made an unfair payout of FIFA’s money to Platini. The time of the payout, in February 2011, and the wording in the indictment raises a number of questions:

* Since the money was paid, was Platini vice-president of FIFA. Was it not disloyal to receive them?

* What is it for a piece of work, Platini has done for Blatter? It has none of the parties explained.

* In February 2011, Blatter challenged by sheik Mohammad Bin Hammam from Qatar in the battle for the presidency of FIFA. Blatter hammam Platini on the support from the UEFA in the elections. He got it. Is the nearly 14 million, in fact, a payment of UEFA’s votes?

Even though Platini is now in fodboldmæssig sense served his quarantine, he is still under investigation by both the French and swiss police. Now it’s all about his role in FIFA’s executive committee, which in 2010 gave the WORLD cup to Qatar in 2022. A case that reeks of corruption.

Platini writes in his book that it is part of the after he against him, and gradually, one can also wonder about an investigation that began in 2015, has not been completed yet.


the Way back

Michel Platini collapses in no way that he would still like to be president of FIFA. UEFA has he ruled out as a possibility, for he has tried it.

But in order to be the president of FIFA, he is first going to have to find himself a position in the world of football, which may qualify him to stand for election as president of FIFA. The election will take place in 2023.

In his first interview after serving quarantine says the 64-year-old Platini, he keeps all options open.

But he brings himself for the first time the post of president of the French confederation on the field. It will be a perfect stepping stone to the FIFA election campaign.

today, the 77-year-old Noël Le Graët, president of the French football federation. Le Graët also have a place in FIFA’s board, the so-called Council.

The French confederation holds a presidential election in december 2020, and Le Graët look absolutely not Platini as his successor. Their relationship is frostkoldt, because Platini doesn’t believe he has got the support of his fellow countryman.

Le Graët has not yet decided whether he will go after a new period of time. If he doesn’t, he mentions Platinis former teammate from the French national team, Didier Deschamps, as a possible replacement.

See also: Back from the quarantine: Now is he on a mission of vengeance

See also: FIFA greases for brutal China

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