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Copenhagen Police on Sunday morning arrested two more boys in the teen-aged, which are assessed to have played a role in the case of the 15-year-old boy, who on Saturday at 21.38 was stabbed by a youth club on Sundbyvestervej on Amager.

It informs efterforskningsleder Søren Lauritsen to Ekstra Bladet.

This is the total number of arrested now stands at three.

In advance is a 16-year-old boy arrested and charged with knivstikket, which nearly had cost the 15-year life. The victim was in a period in critical condition, but he is improving, and lately his condition has been described as stable.

The 16-year-old is so far charged with qualified violence of a particularly raw, brutal or dangerous character. Earlier on Sunday told Søren Lauritsen, and that he would be produced in grundlovsforhør in order to get him in custody. But in the course of the morning if the case has taken a new turn.

– There is a slightly more complicated picture. We have made two arrests in order to clarify what their role is. The hypothesis right now is that the three acted in concert, says Søren Lauritsen.

Photo: Kenneth Meyer

this is Why the decision to manufacture the 16-year-olds in the grundlovsforhør so far put on standby, inform Søren Lauritsen.

– If there is going to be the manufacture, then it will first come to happen in the late afternoon early evening, says Søren Lauritsen.

The same will be the case for the two new detainees in the case.

the 112 – 15. dec. 2019 – at. 09:10 Altercation at the club ended fatally

The 16-year-old was arrested at his residence a little after three o’clock on the night of Sunday.

Søren Lauritsen does not want to tell, whether the police have secured gerningsvåbnet. On the subject he says:

– There is a familiarity between the alleged perpetrator and the victim, but we can’t say anything concrete about the subject. However, there are indications that it began with a simple quarrel, says Søren Lauritsen.

Vagtchef Leif Hansen said Saturday night to Ekstra Bladet:

– They have been present in a youth club. They come up to quarrel and go outside. What exactly is happening, we do not know yet, but will in any case stabbed, says Leif Hansen.

Efterforskningslederen tells that it is not the impression that any of the companies involved have relationships to the gang neighborhoods of north west.

– There is talk about a criminal environment, but not on the gang neighborhoods of north west, says Søren Lauritsen to Ekstra Bladet.