Journalist Birgitte Erhardtsen with his latest column in Berlingske got the makings of a debate about how women should go dressed in order to be taken seriously and avoid the everyday sexism on the job.

She believes that it will benefit the women to drop the kavalergangen and the high stilettos.

‘Women must of course decide for themselves how they want to go dressed, but I think that we can do our jobs without resorting to revealing cutouts and a towering, torturinstrumenter of stilettos and bared shoulders’, she writes in the column, which has been vehemently commented on the Berlingskes Facebook page.

Here think more female users, it is up to the women themselves how they were going to get dressed, and that one should not dictate others ‘ attire.

‘What about letting people make (and dress) as they want to, as long as it’s not something that harms others?’, write a.

‘I reserve therefore the right to go dressed as I want – and it is so in heels and a dress with cleavage, for I can not understand – why we are not allowed to be feminine … and at the same time I’d like to hear why it is only our attire, attacked, and no men in masculine suits with power ties’, says another.

Some of the women strikes a blow for the that it is wonder, that fails to focus on men’s attire in the same degree.

‘Personally, I think that men in suits appear super sexy, so I would like to just have to take some khaki colored shorts that can be zipped at the knee, socks in sandals, and t-shirts with slogans such as ‘you don’t need Google, I know everything’, so my instincts are not going crazy, and I can focus on my work. There is no reason that men should use their sex appeal to reach to the top’, it sounds comical in a third comment.

however, There are also some that agree that women should turn down for the sexy attire on the job.

‘Finally, a woman who takes responsibility! This post I have been waiting for for a long time. Some women have no respect for men’s sex drive. YES it is nice to look at, but it is piss annoying to constantly having to control his gaze in order not to violate her the released 4. wave feminist which only goes in strippertøj for its own sake. The trigger urinstinkter, like rockers trigger fear and madreklamer trigger hunger. But gradually, “sexy” women are just as dangerous as gang members and there should be rules that they can only show their rygmærker in the club’, it says.

Birgitte Erhardtsen believe in his speech, that women do not get something out of the kind of attire, and that it should be kept for private events.

‘Dear medsøstre, insist on filling out your job without resorting to the toolbox with the sexy stilettos, tight skirts and deep cut-outs, which may, or may not, they may be useful for you in the short term. Save it for the private life’, she writes in conclusion.

Ekstra Bladet has been in touch with Birgitte Erhardtsen, who writes that she skips over to answer questions about his column.