For the viewers, it has not been to avoid notice to the participant Christoffer’t exactly settled well in ‘Paradise Hotel’ in this year’s season, and that he from day one has felt outside among the other guests.

In Wednesday’s title, he chose to take the consequences, and therefore he resigned – which is a big surprise for the other participants from the programme during the evening parceremoni.

– As you all know, it has been something of an upheaval for me to come in here. I have chosen to back out while I still can. ‘Paradise Hotel’ is super cool, but I have chosen to back out, because it is a sharp hard pressure, that is in here. I feel very empty in here. I’m sorry, I feel lonely. I feel really uncomfortable right here, he said honestly.

His exit meant at the same time that Anna was rescued at the finish line and therefore anyway not smoke out of ‘Paradise Hotel’, even though Türker threw her out.

See also: Humiliated for open screen: Now raging she over TV3

For Extra Magazine tells Christopher, that not everything you see on television, and that there is a special reason why he chose to withdraw.

My very first thought when I came into the program was that we were going to have a great experience together, and when I went in, I had a few cool days, but then escalated it the just away. It is no secret that Anna and I were best friends from the start, and it saw the boys as their cut to run me down. They drove me mental in the hotel ever since, and it was outright bullying, says Christoffer and continues:

It continued, actually, until I chose to drop out eventually. They were so nasty towards me, and I think simply, it is so grotesque, that one can be such for other people. They would do everything they could to I was outside. They kept me out from everything, and they were unstoppable.

Photo: Chronically Group Denmark

According to Christopher, it was just the fact that he was kept out of the drengegruppen, that did he in the end not felt comfortable at the hotel.

– It went me game much on. The first four days I used to just ‘smile and wave’method, but it piled up, and so was the glass just filled. They went on and said nasty things behind my back, and then used the argument that I was paranoid and had no situational awareness to get me down with the neck. I really think that the boys are unsavory. It was a really uncomfortable situation to be in.

Christopher tells that he felt at stamford bridge at the hotel, but that he at no time got help from the other boys.

– I came in as the biggest beginner of all of us. I had never made the tv or been in front of a camera in any way, and when I came in and was filmed in front of greenscreen, walked fold down, and I could not be myself, and they helped me in no way with it, he says, and continues:

– After that I had set myself for, that I should not be in there. I think it was hard, with cameras 24 hours and no support.

Photo: Chronically Group Denmark

According to Christopher showed production understanding that he wanted to pull the plug from the project.

– the Production was good to show understanding and meeting me in my situation. They said that if I did not want to be there, so I should not. I had actually said it to them three days earlier, so I just walked and waited for it to happen, and I had to let the show run in the meantime and pretend. It was møghårdt.

Christopher says that the experience also has affected him, after he has come home.

– I’m still really bitter, for I have been grilled so much all the way through, and it continues after we come home. The here episode has done that I really have become much more tryghedsnarkoman.

Photo: Linda Johansen

Danish celebrity – 14. jan. 2020 – pm. 09:27 Tv-couples take the big step

– if you withdraw, that you reported you in the first place?

– It is a little difficult, for I do not wish for anyone to experience it here, but the environment itself, in itself, was completely insane and amazing, he says, and continues:

– I have been a drengerøv, but I must acknowledge that I have been too old for it (Paradise Hotel, red.). I had signed me for five years ago, where I did not. But it was something else at the time. I’m much more boring now, and it just was not me.

he was, however, sorry that the viewers haven’t got the ‘correct picture’ of him.

– It is not the coolest. I managed not to relax and show who I am. It was not the plan, that the people should have pity on me, but I think it is distasteful, to be such, as the boys have been over for me. I can’t believe they needed to run me down in the lower. But I’m upstairs again.

on Election exit was Anna’s rescue. Photo: Chronically Group Denmark

the Participant, Casper, that is part of the drengegruppe, Christopher criticises, however, have a very different view on the matter.

– My and the Royal relationship became more and more depressed for every day that went by, for we are just not each other’s types, and it is also fair enough. He is allowed to be the person he is. But he continued to press buttons, which meant that I was angry inside. One is inside the box all the time inside the hotel, and then it was just easy to press each other’s buttons. Every time you thought that it couldn’t be worse, so he took it a step further, and that he could not be with Anna, which I was glad, it did not better, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

According to Casper, he tried during their stay at the hotel to take a chat with Christopher on how they could improve their relationship.

– At one point I sat down and talked with him and said to him, that he was going to have to change a little and have a different approach to people, if he should be unpopular. I tried to help him. It was as if the smoke of his head, and then I was just even more annoyed. I feel like I gave him a chance, but when you so are so annoying, so is man also, which one has sown.

There was drama between Freya and Christopher in Tuesday’s section of the ‘Paradise Hotel’, where Christopher tried to kiss Freya. Photo: Chronically Group Denmark

– Christoffer tells jo that he felt bullied by you in drengegruppen, and that was after him. Can you recognize the view?

– Our intent was not to run him down or bully him. But one is, as one has sown. If you are annoying, you get it also back again. Especially if one is inside a box, where there is war, he says.

therefore He would not have done anything differently if he got the chance.

– I would not change the way I have been. He is, as he has sown. It is very few people who have been so annoying. You see, after all, only a fraction of it on tv, and they have the clip Christoffer, so you really get pity with him. But you do not see, how he really was at the hotel. It is good for him, that he has been cut to.

– How did you it so with that he chose to say that he would not be with more?

– I had a lot of feelings up to turn, when he pulls the plug. I had just been upset because Anna blurted out. But I also thought at the same time, it was a shame for him, because he had it hard. But I was aware that he had himself placed in the situation.

For Extra Magazine tells Kenneth Kristensen, who is program director at the Chronically Group in Denmark, that they had a strong focus on Christopher during the filming.

‘We have always put great pride in taking care of our participants, both before, during and after the program, and the production had during the filming of close contact with Christoffer and respected his desire to leave the program’.

‘We hope always that our participants get an experience of a lifetime when they take part in Paradise Hotel, but we do not keep any in the program, who don’t want to be a part of it’.