When a few years ago, at the end of the last century, the modern women of New York began to wear heeled sandals in winter (without stockings, of course), no one could think that they were guessing the future. That the heat does not abate at this time of the year begins to be a nightmare; the own indolence with which we face the high temperatures does not fit with the activity that is presented to us all in the autumn, when there is no other choice but to start all the plans postponed until the summer, for which, now , you need to be cool and alert.

The only advantage is that with the degrees that are currently marked by the thermometer, not as extreme as in August, you can live without air conditioning, without fans (I have a remarkable collection of devices that are very annoying when they are no longer necessary) and, with any luck, heating will never be needed again. This is in addition to the almost 400 euros that my beloved energy company charged me to keep the house, if not cool, at least livable, during July and August. Believe me when I say that my house is medium-sized, almost small, with morning sun in the front and afternoon sun in the back, but protected with the corresponding blinds and awnings.

The bills that mercilessly attack your checking account like birds of prey is one of the things that disturb me the most in life. That medical mutual that decides to merge with another, takes away your regular specialists and you end up paying for their consultations at the price of gold; that outpouring from the community you didn’t remember; that life insurance that one day they placed you at the bank office in a tone of blackmail in exchange for a loan and that, suddenly, once the mandatory period has passed, they renew it for you without warning and with no margin for cancellation · put it off until next year; those subscriptions to platforms that only emit serial residuals and from which there is no way to delete, not to mention those oenagés quotas in which you trusted and which end up being placement offices. I can’t bear all these expenses that I’ve been accumulating in the babalá thanks to some very clever issuers; with this heat, I feel like burning everything.