Hans Engell: Toxic and close spurt on V-mail

A record numbers of journalists and photographers are going to fall all over each other when there in the morning and is competitive about næstformandsposten in the Left in Herning.

for each other is Ellen Trane Nørby, and Inger Støjberg.

Among most observers considered the latter værdikriger as the big favorite.

But it is not certain that the piano will play, warn Extra the Magazine’s political commentator, Hans Engell.

– After conversations with a number of Left-people, so my impression is that it may well be a much closer race than most people think.

– Ellen Tranes support has rallied so much. They have been active. But the truth is that no one has the full overview.

– That the fight can go and become toxic, we got in to the degree demonstrated on Thursday, when Jan E. Jørgensen put a post on Facebook with some very significant and provocative questions to Inger Støjberg. So he pulled them back later.

– So it is quite clear that there fought right up until the last moment before the voices in Herning in the morning.

You say, it may be a horror film?

– It may well go and get it, but we don’t know. I have so far had the perception that Støjberg would win the 500 against the 300, but I have been corrected by the clever Left-people who have said: ‘It is not the case. It will be much closer. It will be further 400-400. Votes can be crucial,’ they say. But whether they’ve mastered it, I shall not be able to say, ” says Hans Engell.

the Left-people from Støjbergs camp has otherwise quite high in the hat and sejrssikre, could Ekstra Bladet describe the last week.

Politics are almost flat: Sejrssikker Støjberg-wing

– in any case, is the voltage great. There is not anyone who can say ‘it is flat’. It is not home to any of them, he says.

– But asking Ellen Trane is not just up to stand stronger in Ellemanns new Left – she could see that there were perhaps not so much for her?

– I think That is entirely true. But she also puts up, because many of the Støjbergs opponents have looked after a careful attention to every detail, they believed, could match her.

– It is those who will not have Støjberg, who support Ellen Trane. So, she has chosen to put up. Therefore, she has an expectation that when the leadership must be established, so will she – and those who have supported her – taken into account, explains Hans Engell.

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