the Government has decided to postpone a decision on whether there should be searched for and extracted oil in the North sea.

the Resolution requires a better basis and more time, saith the grounds from the climate and energy minister, Dan Jørgensen (S) to Berlingske.

It is especially the climate and economic consequences, as the minister will have more security around, before taking a decision on the so-called eighth licensing round.

– It is a cumbersome exercise, and it is also why we take us a little longer than you usually do and have done, he says to the newspaper.

The eighth round of bidding will give rights to look for and extract oil and gas in the North sea until the mid-2050’s and thus after 2050, when Denmark is planned to be climate-neutral.

Several companies have already applied for permission to look for and extract new oil and gas in the North sea.

According to Dan Jørgensen is it too early to say how long will it take before there from the government side will be taken a decision in the case.

the ministry of Taxation has previously estimated that the state can collect revenue of about two billion dollars by the eighth licensing round.

the Government is however concerned that the bill could be even higher, because a cancellation can go beyond the oil companies ‘ current investments.

At The Radical criticize klimaordfører Ida Auken, the government not to stop the future oliejagt.

– We must not extract more oil up the North sea far into the 2050’s. It is far past the time where we have said that Denmark is to be climate neutral, ” says Ida Auken.

She believes that the great economic insecurity also is a reason to cancel the tender.

– It is highly uncertain how much money there is to talk about. We can also risk a bad deal for Denmark, where we can end up paying to clean up for the oil companies out in the North sea, she says.

the environmental organization Greenpeace Denmark as secretary-general of the Mads Flarup Christensen also any time that the government put an end to the oliejagten forward to postpone the decision on it.

– It should be a no-brainer to put an end date on the search for new oil.

– the World today is already far more oil and gas than we can afford to burn if we are to achieve the objectives of the climate convention from Paris.

– Other countries have already put an end date on or completely stopped their oil, so to follow suit will in no way be a Danish soloudbrud, says Mads Flarup Christensen.