There was the wrinkled part on the brows in Counter-Strike environment, since Emil ’Magical’ Reif in the beginning of 2018 joined the Astralis.

No one doubted the raw talent in the hands of the young dane, although he in the course of 2017 had been benched in the North, and then traveled to OpTic Gaming, but the doubt was in whether he was able to step into one of the world’s best teams. Was ’Magical’ the play, which could bring Astralis back to the top?

All the questions were amply answered. He didn’t do it alone, but since the ’Magical’ moved into at Astralis, the team has crammed trofæskabet to the brim, and Friday was the team’s youngest man so as to further honors when he was named to the 2019’s femtebedste player in the world on each year ranks players by the statistician and individual performance.

however, It is not the big personal recognition, that counts the most, says ’Magic’ to

– The best by 2019 was for me, that we came back and showed that we are the best team in the world. We fought us back individually and as a team, and it was a really tough mental battle to do it, so I’m proud of the whole team managed to continue to work hard even when it was difficult.

Just ’Magisks’ mentality has helped him to fifth place by 2019, think the young dane even.

When in the course of the season was great difficulty for many to accept that SG-a was cheaper and better, traded it for the ’Magical’ about to change his game and not be stubborn.

– It’s pretty simple for me. Either adapts itself to the game, or so, stop to complain. To use it, at least not as an excuse, if one is not performing optimally. It is the same for all.

– To be stubborn over the fact that some weapons are too powerful, do not help you win tournaments, so I did my best to adapt to me, and it might have done, that I have performed a little better than the other, say, ’Magical’ to

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