a week ago it was exactly a year ago, the footballer Emiliano Sala died after a plane accident, but for the benefit of the klubparter, the matter is not yet closed.

Thus, the welsh club Cardiff, that shortly before the accident had purchased the Sala, sued the French club Nantes, where you downloaded the Sala.

Cardiff the plaintiff Nantes for possible complicity in manslaughter in connection with the Salas death.

This writes the French newspaper L’equipe, according to the news agency NTB.

the Lawsuit is directed specifically at Nantes’ use of agent Willie McKay, as the welsh believe, had not the license to act as agent.

Cardiff suggests that McKay should have the charter ulykkesflyet without permission from the club, which is the cause of the possible complicity.

In the action the plaintiff Cardiff ‘x’ in Nantes, as one is not completely sure who is to blame. It must be a court in Nantes now find out.

immediately after dødsulykken there was controversy between the two clubs, then Cardiff would not pay overgangssummen for Sala.

The economic dispute was referred to The International Football federation (Fifa), as of the end of september decided that Cardiff would have to pay 45 of the 127 million plus interest at five percent from 27. January to Nantes.

Cardiff believed, however, that the club should pay something, because all papers are not reached to be signed, since the player never arrived.

Now try the club so to get more money out of Nantes.

Sala had been in Nantes to say goodbye to his teammates, when he, along with a pilot crashed a plane over The English Channel 21. January.

See also: New twist in the tragedy: Risk transfer penalty

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