The elections on May 28 unite the PP because they have a single objective, to win. And win the autonomous communities and town halls in which he already governs, and expand his territorial power, so that Alberto Núñez Feijóo can be president of the Government of Spain. And the president of the PP will have a faithful ally in Madrid. This was demonstrated this Monday by the popular leader and Isabel Díaz Ayuso, at an informative breakfast, which marks the start of the elections.

A breakfast of praise and criticism. Praise was launched by Feijóo and Ayuso, mutually, and criticism, the same, directed at Sánchez and his partners. A breakfast with which both the leader of the PP and the president of the Community want to leave behind any hint of division between the national leadership of the party and the PP of Madrid. A division, in which both agree that it does not exist and has not existed in the year that Alberto Núñez Feijóo has led the PP.

The informative breakfast, organized by Forum Europa, featured Isabel Díaz Ayuso, but Alberto Núñez Feijóo was its presenter, at the request of the Madrid president. And in the presentation, the popular president entered fully into that alleged division, to mock those who today maintain a situation that only occurred in the Pablo Casado stage in front of the PP.

“It is a difficult presentation, because I am sure that everything that is said will be analyzed” precisely to feed that supposed division, said Feijóo, who even dared to visualize the possible headlines that could be written, such as putting Ayuso out of “maximum exponent of one of the two souls of the PP, with which his obligation would be to “please this soul without irritating the other.” And he would also have to do it, continued the leader of the PP, “without my monumental anger because he aspires to govern alone and that bothers me”, the same thing that requires asking Ayuso for permission to do anything.

It is a division that in Feijóo’s opinion is fed by rumors spread, above all, by “the Government and its 22 ministers who have nothing better to do.” That is why he asked everyone to “turn a deaf ear to foolish words”, and presented the Madrid president as “a woman who is brave in what she does and says” and who “challenges without modesty those who want to appropriate youth and feminism”. A woman, Ayuso, who for Feijóo “successfully fights against these topics on a double front, that of ideas and that of facts.”

For all this, Feijóo asked for support for Ayuso, for his “brave leadership, but also what matters to me, leadership with results”, and among them he cited the 40,000 million tax cut in the legislature, which has fact that there is no longer any own tax in Madrid. In this line, the Madrid president announced after her that she will carry in her program a new reduction of half a point in all sections of the IRPF, in the next legislature.

And a president, Feijóo stressed, “who if she had been seditious would obtain more favors from the Government, already tripartite”, which has tried to “undo and disunite Madrid”. And the praise was returned to him by Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who showed Feijóo her gratitude “for her support and trust” of her and whom she thanked for her “personal sacrifice” of her. A Feijóo to which he also gives his support in the face of “the most sectarian, unlimited and never-seen propaganda” that he suffers, “that of the Government”, which for a year now not only opposes her but also claims to “be in opposition to Núñez Feijóo”. He also thanked him for having brought “calm” to the party and to society, and who he wants to see in “La Moncloa”, and for that he has to win on May 28.

Of course, Ayuso predicts “48 days, those that remain for the elections, of exaggeration and hoaxes.” But the Madrid president, as Feijóo has also stressed in recent times, has another adversary, Vox. And that is why she addresses not the leadership of Abascal’s party, but the Vox voters who in their day left the PP “because we did not fight the big battles beyond management.” He tells them that her government “has fought all the battles”, but in order to win, you have to hit the “where, how and when”.

The Madrid president tells former PP voters today in Vox that they know that it is “Sánchez or Spain”, and the PP is the one who decides that, for this reason “I invite you to also be effective”. Isabel Díaz Ayuso sees Vox “in a drift, for months, that does not represent me” and considers that “it has lost its reason along the way.”

The president of the Community of Madrid also spoke of Yolanda Díaz and the Sumar platform, “a populist left dressed in white that whispers childish words to the poor that she herself fabricates with her decisions.” A new left with which “Sánchez feels very comfortable, because he knows that he drinks the winds with him.” A new left that “allows Yolanda Díaz not to leave the falcon and the train of life that she has” and Sánchez “not to disappear after the collapse of Podemos.”