The city of Madrid broke “records” last week, both in hotel occupancy, above 90%, and in restaurant and bar turnover, which has made this holiday “the best Easter Week in many years.” This is due to both national and international tourism.

This was stated on Sunday by the mayor of the capital, José Luis Martínez Almeida, before attending the traditional tamborrada that ends Holy Week in Madrid in the Plaza Mayor.

“This Holy Week has been extraordinary for Madrid”, celebrated Almeida, who stated that the city has been “wonderful and welcoming” and the visitors “have been admired”, for which reason “they will certainly come back again”.

In this sense, he insisted that from the point of view of tourism it has been a “really special” week. “There had not been a Holy Week of these characteristics for many years,” she reiterated.

Almeida attended the tamborrada in the Plaza Mayor carried out yesterday Easter Sunday, the same as last year, by the Brotherhood of the Slavery of Jesus Nazareno and Conversion of Santa María Magdalena de Zaragoza.

In fact, the event was also attended by the mayor of the Aragonese city, the popular Jorge Azcón, who stressed that the participation of this brotherhood represents an “opportunity not only to continue with the good relations between Madrid and Zaragoza, but also a very important opportunity to show Holy Week in Zaragoza in the capital”.

A Holy Week, Azcón continued, with 700 years of history and which is an international tourist festival, “one of the most important in Spain.”

This parade, made up of fifty pealers and drummers, performed what is known as the exaltation of the drum that puts an end to the itinerary through the churches and stations of the passion on Easter Sunday.

The organization is the responsibility of the Royal and Illustrious Congregation of Our Lady of Solitude and Desamparo of Madrid, in collaboration with the Madrid City Council.

Leaving from the Corpus Christi Monastery (Las Carboneras Convent), the drum sections of the La Real, Very Illustrious and Ancient Brotherhood of the Slavery of Jesus Nazareno and the Conversion of Santa María Magdalena de Zaragoza toured the streets of Puñonrostro, San Justo , Cordón, Plaza de la Villa, Mayor and Ciudad Rodrigo streets to reach the Plaza Mayor, where they were received by both mayors.