Fashion in clothes-the war: – They went over the line

A pelsfrakke with leopard-print and red pelsærmer is the reason for a lawsuit between tøjvirksomhederne Baum und Pferdgarten and DK Company Vejle.

the Latter was on Monday convicted of having copied wear something on design in the Maritime and Commercial court.

– We believe they have infringed our design, and therefore we have laid the proceedings, says ceo of Baum und Pferdgarten Teis Bruun for Extra Magazine.

– a Court has convicted, to the imitation, they have made, is too close. And I’m really happy, says Teis Bruun.

Baum und Pferdgarten filed a lawsuit against the Company Vejle 6. november of last year.

Almost exactly a year later, the Company Vejle in court been required to recognize that all production, importation, marketing, offer, sale and export of the coat is a violation of Baum und Pferdgartens rights.

They have also been banned from selling the jacket and by september next year, and they have to pay 50,000 dollars for Baum und Pferdgarten in addition to the costs.

Director Teis Bruun is satisfied with the verdict, because, for him, is speech on a matter of principle.

– We think, you should be good colleagues in the Danish industry and not to look at what the neighbor is doing, he says.

They went over the line.

In the suit, made Baum und Pferdgarten a requirement that the DK Company Vejle should be ordered to pay 250.000 dollars for the infringement of their design.

DK Company Vejle then off to pay 200.000 dollars less than the applicant had hoped.

– The most important thing is that we get right. But personally, I think that the amount is too low, says the director of the Baum und Pferdgarten Teis Bruun.

It is not the first time there is a dispute between the two companies. Last year saw a Baum und Pferdgarten also a second lawsuit against the company, because they felt that they had copied two of their other designs.

– Then, we chose to enter into a settlement, because DK Company agreed to have infringed our design tells Teis Bruun.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from the CFO in denmark Company Jens Poulsen. He has not returned our inquiries.

His assistant writes in an email to Ekstra Bladet, that ‘we can confirm that we have received a judgment of 50,000 kr., where Baum und Pferdgarten demanded dkk 250,000. Our legal department will assess the continued judgment, and there are not taken a position on whether we should appeal against the verdict.’

the fashion house also do not want to Ekstra Bladet brings pictures of their jacket. You can see it in the domsudskriftet and here.

At DK Company among others, brands such as ICHI, Saint Tropez, Solid, and France.

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