Throughout the eight-month tracking now provides commuters the right to compensation.

From 28. march 29. november closes Banedanmark all train services on the route between Næstved and Ringsted, and the enormously long boom gives the commuters the right to high compensation.

They get offered two months of free travel, write

It confirms the DSB’s information manager, Tony Bispeskov, to Ekstra Bladet.

Trains are changed during the period, with rail replacement buses, and it provides a significantly longer travel time. From Roskilde to Ringsted and from there on to Copenhagen, for example, expect an extended journey time of 20 minutes.

There was initially talk about five months of track work, but it has been extended to eight.

– of course some extended travel time compared to switching between togbus and took, says Tony Bispeskov.

Commuters can therefore be of two phases in the period purchase commuter passes for one month and get an additional month free.

Last year, conducted DSB a trial, where they in the same way gave compensation to the commuters on the island of Zealand, which had purchased a two-month commuter passes.

Here did about 2400 commuters the use of the compensation, and they got an average of 2000 crowns.

– the Difference from the experiment we did last year, and the compensation we give, in years, is, that in the year you can apply for compensation, while sporarbejdet going on. Last year, one could first seek subsequent, says Tony Bispeskov.

Kompensationensmodellen was presented at a public meeting Tuesday. The final terms in order to apply for compensation will be stated on the DSB’s website at a later time, tell the information manager Tony Bispeskov.