the COURT OF FREDERIKSBERG: The former girlfriend of one of the defendants in the case about the death of radio host Nedim Yasar has testified at today’s hearing.

the Two men prosecuted. One on 25 and one on 26. Both refuse to commit.

Nedim Yasar was killed on the evening of 19. november 2018 around noon. 19.35. Here he had just participated in a reception on the book ‘Roots’ which is about his previous life as a bandekriminel on the copenhagen perform.

The female witness was at the time the girlfriend of the 25-year-old of the two defendants. It was this man who, according to the indictment carried out the killing, while the 26-year-old was back in the flugtbilen, held at a place some hundred meters away.

See also: Why should Nedim Yasar die?: Today begins the trial of
112 – 20. jan. 2020 – pm. 10:30 Random motorist witnessed the killing of radio host

At today’s hearing explained the ex-boyfriend, that she on the day of the killing continuously was in contact with the accused. The 25-year-old had borrowed her car, and she was tired of him and drove around while she was ‘trapped at home’.

In the court told the woman that she several times – especially during the afternoon and evening of 19. november 2018 asked his girlfriend to come home with the car.

– We had a deal to enjoy, and therefore I pressed to the end of the. I unscrewed bissen, you can say.

According to the masteoplysninger, as the police have collected in connection with the investigation, the 25-year-old accused mobile on a mast in the area around the Hejrevej in Copenhagen around the clock 19.17 the same evening.

Here received the defendants a call from the then-girlfriend.

He sounded completely normal. There was nothing to mark him. Nor, when he came home there was nothing to mark him. It certainly was not the girlfriend who had just done such a terrible liquidation, as the media have described, explained the woman.

the 112 – 21. jan. 2020 – pm. 14:50 Drabssag: Found dying radio host in the car

To the court told the witness that the 25-year-old accused had the same clothes on when he got home as when he was taken off in the morning.

He moved to the first clothing, when we later that night went to bed, and then washed I it the day after, explained the woman.

the Trial continues 3. February.

the 112 – 20. jan. 2020 – pm. 15:41 Drabstiltalt:- We were buy Viagra pill
112 – 21. jan. 2020 – pm. 11:42, Accused of killing:- I was angry and would smash all over the world
See also: Accused: I was a fully fledged rocker BEFORE the killing