Copenhagen Police stop investigation in the case between the defunct Radio24syv and DF’eren Pia Adelsteen, therefore has chosen to appeal against the decision.

inform Pia Adelsteen, because she believes that April fools ‘ day earlier in the year at Radio24syv, where the fictional journalist Kirsten Birgit released to be the police were way over the line.

– I make a complaint in here week and sends off to the attorney general. The decision is inadmissible, and I see this case as a principle, says Pia Adelsteen, and as the smoke out of the Parliament in the elections earlier in the year.

That’s what they said on the radio

Radiosatirikeren and the host is the flamboyant character Kirsten Birgit presented himself as Carsten Nielsen from North jutland Police, when he called Pia Adelsteen.

– Hello. The problem is that there is a truck that is driven into and through the Aporta, said with reference to the DF-matrimonial restaurant, which has received a blow not to have any agreement.

– It is not true, said Pia Adelsteen.

– Yes. It is true. There is a bad news. And it is that it has resulted in a death, fremturede the alleged police officer, before the radio host put the trump card on the Pia Adelsteens horrific news.

The good news is that it was her the hysterical, that wouldn’t work, because she did not get salary during the illness. April fools ‘ day.

the DF’s head of secretariat, Jeanni Nørhave, notified 3. april Radio 24syv to have posted himself to a public authority. The case has the Copenhagen Police decided to drop, because it is not suspected to have committed any criminal offence.

‘the Conversation, where Cilius Jørgensen, presents himself as an employee of the police, took place during a radio show and as part of an April fools ‘day, which was said to last in the conversation’, writes advokaturchef Dorit Borgaard, in a letter to DF’eren.

‘I think, therefore, that Cilius Jørgensen has had an unlawful intention to pretend to have a public authority as politiansat’, it says in the letter.

Pia Adelsteen tell us how she ‘broke, weeping together’ in front of the Danish people’s party, folketingsgruppe, when she was recounting the episode.

– It may not be reasonable, that you should just say April fools or haha, when you have released themselves to be the police and everything is ok, she explains.

– It took me a really long time to get over, and I believe that it was outright vicious and something that you should not be exposed to. To this day I’m skeptical when people call – simply because of ‘Kirsten Birgit’, says Pia Adelsteen.

Article continues after the refusal from the Copenhagen Police.

the Investigation is dropped, police in the letter to the Pia Adelsteen, which has approved the reproduction on the

Gakgak the airwaves with 24syv – six things we will remember

Kirsten Birgit

The celestial bryskhed, Kirsten Birgit Schiøtz Kretz Hørsholm, denmark, and her hopeless, konfliktsky supervisor-vatarm, Rasmus Bruun, has over the last five years cemented Radio24Syv and, in particular, The Short Radioavis as the Danish satires flagship. Often with even the very controversial and much-criticised methods. As when they called member of the Danish parliament Pia Adelsteen, and in an April fool’s said that an employee at the inn Aporta in Mariager was the death of a lastbilpåkørsel, which would be avoided by the ring road, which Adelsteens man, trafikordfører and Aporta-co-owner Kim Christiansen (DF), we would have built.

Rabbit Allan

When Radio24Syv in Pentecost 2015 had animal welfare on the agenda, there was stuff. To illustrate, that the danes up in the kind of, took the hosts a nine weeks old kaninunge by the name of Allan in the studio. After a long time of discussion and suggestions in the study ended host Asger Juhl to kill the rabbit with a cykelpumpe of metal. It triggered a major shitstorm from the bl.a. Lens Kessler.

Would exhibit Dan Park

In 2014 tried 24syv to get exhibited photographs and drawings of the in Sweden, detainees, islam-critic Dan Park. The channel would test the freedom of expression in the wake of Muhammedkrisen. The plans ended up, however, to be shelved.

On MDMA in the radio

The ever-skandaliserede journalist René Fredensborg had one of his highlights, when he nytårsudsendelse sent affected by MDMA. It created a larger debate on both the substance and on Radio24Syv.

En Fredensborg subsequently tried to get smuggled marijuana and MDMA with the people’s meeting on Bornholm in a car, as colleagues had to run, ended up with a fyreseddel from the channel. Fredensborg made, however, the comeback – bl.a. at several appearances in The Short Radioavis


Because of The Short Radioavis in 2019 would put focus on it, they proclaimed as the country’s skyggestatsminister, stabchef under Mette Frederiksen, Martin Rossen, copied the the now world-renowned baby-Trump-balloon.

Rossen-balloon – with the chief of staff, caricatured in the SM-outfit and with what was described as a crackpibe in hand – got the bl.a. allowed to hover a few metres over the socialist congress in Aalborg in september.


The stack completely, since otherwise the friendly Iben Maria Zeuthen having to interview the entire Danish diva Ghita Nørby. In a long radiodokumentar it just didn’t work the 82-year-old actor Zeuthen for her skills as a journalist and interviewer:

‘You are so stupid. You are not allowed to be. It has you not. You must not be so mentally deficient’, it sounded along the way in one of the numerous corrosive outcomes from Ghita.

And at a time other:

‘I have almost never seen anything so bloody stupid, as you and your ørebasser and the microphone, as you are now and already have pain in the arm of. It is the most stupid I’ve ever seen, and it makes every case, you’ll never get anything sensible out of me.’

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Extra Leaf was earlier in the year, when the case is rolled in contact with the person in charge of managing editor at Radio24syv, Jørgen Ramskov.

He told, that he heard with his own ears the not for everyone equally amusing April fools ‘ day in The Short Radioavis. It was given to him by his own admission, to immediately order the cessation of an apology sent to the Mariager.

– We have just laid us down flat and said, it was not fun, says radiobossen to Ekstra Bladet.

– Why was it not fun?

– Well, because it should not. Satire is subversive and sometimes boundless, but there are also things that are over the limit. It was over the limit. So is it really no longer. It is not fun to make fun of death, and one should not call people on the way. And we have also laid us down flat and apologised for – both for Kim Christiansen and Pia Adelsteen.

See also: Radio24syv pulls the plug

– Why should it just go in addition to them?

– Well, this is surely basically no matter who it goes beyond. But we can take the theme one more time. It was a big mistake, and said sorry.

– It is not legal to call and pretend to be from the police, and Pia Adelsteen and Kim Christiansen is now considering to proceed with this case?

– I can not say anything to. I can say that we can’t do anything other than that, when we make a mistake, then we apologize. What the hell will you almost have me to say.

– Not other than that you can relate to, that it is a criminal offence to pretend to be from the police, when calling to the people, and In the risk of a complaint to the police.

– But we have said sorry.

After Pia Adelsteen Wednesday it has made earnest of its consideration and reported the station to the police, repeats, Jørgen Ramskov his excuse.

– Now we’ll see what the police say. We have made a mistake – a stupid mistake – and we have apologized in writing and verbally to Pia Adelsteen and Kim Christiansen, and we can just like not do more. If you make a mistake, so you can’t do anything other than to apologize, complain and try to ensure that it cannot repeat itself.

Radiochefen has not taken a position on whether to plead guilty, if the case comes to court.

– I would like to see a charge and prosecution, and so we must take a position on it. As I understand it, it is illegal to give himself out to be a police officer, and that we look at, if the police do it for a case, he says.