at Least 50 people have on Tuesday been trampled to death by the iranian military commander Qassem Soleimanis funeral ceremony in the city of Kerman.

It informs local officials to the news agency Isna.

According to the Washington Post is at least 200 people injured.

the Head of the iranian services, Pirhossein Koolivand, had previously stated that at least 32 were killed, as too many people were gathered in the cramped streets and buildings.

Citizens lost their lives due to overfilling during the ceremony, said Koolivand.

Eyewitnesses have according explained to the BBC that the problem occurred when all of the many attendees had to pass a single way to get back to the square.

– the Road was too narrow for the crowds. It was something that should be foreseen, says an inhabitant.

Thousands of iranians on Tuesday gathered in the city to commemorate the powerful Soleimani, who was killed in a us drone strikes on Friday.

A wounded man at the hospital in Bahonar near Kerman, Iran. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

The funeral should have taken place on Tuesday. It has, however, been deferred as a result of the violent chaos in Kerman. It informs the iranian news agency Isna, according to news agency Reuters.

War & disasters – 7. jan. 2020 – pm. 10:25 Total chaos to Soleimanis funeral: Several killed

Over a million people took part Monday in a funeral ceremony for Soleimani in the iranian capital, Tehran. It writes the AP.

Relatives looking for missing family members at the hospital. At least 50 people are killed and a further 200 injured after the outbreak of chaos in the city of Kerman. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix
Big tensions
the Killing has led to great tensions between Iran and the UNITED states.

Iran on Tuesday again threatened the UNITED states with a strong response to the killing.

the Head of the country’s security council, Ali Shamkhani, says thus, that you are considering 13 various reprisals against the UNITED states.

Even the mildest of the 13 scenarios will be a ‘historical nightmare’ for U.S., says the influential leader.

– Even if we reach an agreement on the mildest scenario, then the execution of it to be a historical nightmare for the americans, says Ali Shamkhani, to the iranian news agency Fars, writes Bloomberg.

the 62-year-old Qasem Soleimani was the leader of the Quds elitestyrken in the revolutionary guards of Iran and one of Iran’s most powerful men.

He found himself in a vehicle on Friday last week, was hit by a missile fired from a drone, as it was on the way out of the international airport in Baghdad in Iraq. The UNITED states was behind droneangrebet.

the City of Kerman is located in the central part of Iran and is the killed the military commander Qassem Soleimanis hometown.