Absent in Congress after the controversial decision not to go to the polls in the July general elections, the general policy debate in the Parliament has become an opportunity for Ciudadanos to respond to the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who is seen as the first act of a tragedy that will be consummated with the renewed presidency of Pedro Sánchez thanks to the support of ERC and Junts.

This is how the leader of Ciudadanos in Catalonia, Carlos Carrizosa, has described it, who has dedicated a good part of his speech to speaking in a Spanish key, since he fears that if Sánchez renews the presidency of the Government thanks to a pact with the independence parties, The country will be “divided in half” and an “institutional crisis” will be unleashed that will even affect the Crown.

As an example of this drift, Carrizosa has used the pact that gave the presidency of Congress to the socialist Francina Armengol: “The PSOE has implemented the earpiece in the Cortes and speaking in the common language is no longer going to be normal due to the imposition of ERC and Junts, who are the ones who persecute and eradicate Spanish in Catalan schools and universities,” lamented the leader of Ciudadanos in Parliament.

“In four weeks more has been done than in the previous four years and the aspirations of the independence movement have been taken further,” continued Carrizosa, for whom ERC and Junts have “kidnapped the institutions.” And in this context, he has insisted, Feijóo’s PP seems as “powerless” to unseat Sánchez “as Pablo Casado’s was in his day.”

For Carrizosa, the PP has wanted in recent years to “stab Ciudadanos”, but the “magnificent result” of this strategy designed from Genoa is that his party not only “resists, insists and persists”, but that the PP “depends on Vox to reach the Government of Spain” and forms a “ticket” with the extreme right in several autonomous governments.

Faced with the “immobility of the two-party system” of the PSOE and the PP and the “civil war” that he attributes to other formations in the parliamentary arc, Carrizosa has claimed the “third Spain” made up of all those citizens who do not put on “blue or red glasses” to analyze the political situation. “Four deputies in Congress would have avoided the blackmail of ERC and Carles Puigdemont, as the former president himself has acknowledged,” he claimed before Pere Aragonès, who precisely disgraced him in his reply for the little time dedicated to talking about Catalonia.

But Carrizosa, who has had very harsh words towards nationalism and “the populism of the extreme right of Vox”, has wanted his message to have a state dimension and has charged against Feijóo who has appealed to socialist “turncoats” and “He has shown himself willing to talk to Puigdemont.” Likewise, he has attacked Salvador Illa’s PSC, “which says nothing about amnesty and of course self-determination.”

“The socialist voters did not elect him to develop that program. It is evident that the PSC has become the necessary troupe to reactivate the process from Moncloa, they need to put an office there for Oriol Junqueras and Puigdemont,” Carrizosa ironized. “But the same democrats who stopped the coup in 2017 will now stop Sánchez’s self-coup with Puigdemont and company,” Carrizosa concluded.

For his part, the leader of the PP in Catalonia, Alejandro Fernández, has also referred to the investiture debate that is being held in Madrid and has accused the socialists of giving Catalan nationalism the possibility of continuing to “aggravate a problem that is already serious in itself” and to convert “the Catalan process into the Spanish process”. Therefore, he has predicted that the economic “decadence” that he has observed in Catalonia in recent years will spread throughout Spain if Sánchez remains at the head of the Government thanks to an agreement with ERC and Junts.

Precisely the idea of ??decadence, refuted by Aragonès in his reply, has run through the entire speech of Fernández, who has referred to numerous authors, from different ideological backgrounds, who have spoken of economic decline as a result of the independence process. To reverse it, the leader of the Catalan PP has prescribed that the necessary infrastructure be stopped, that “tourismphobia” be put to an end and that the rejection of industrial development and renewable energy plants due to “carpetovetonic prejudices” be put to an end.