– It is also the least you can expect.

– We live in a society where it is all too easy to treat the animals poorly.

the old man is simply not that it can be done in our oh so modern society!!!!!!

so writes Heidi B of a comment on the Jydskevestkystens Facebook profile after newspaper can tell you that the police now have moved out to a barn filled with the emaciated horses in sydvestjylland.
A Facebook lookup from Esbjerg hestevelfærd has, in fact, in four days got more than 1200 comments, 3000 sad smileys and has been shared almost 5000 times. And the police – which now is on the case – are happy with the cooperation they have with the hestevennerne:

– We can not disclose the details of a pending case, which is under investigation. But we can tell that there has been and continues to be taken care of the horses ‘ welfare.

– We will regularly check the conditions, as long as we deem it necessary.

– South Jutland Police have a good and trusting relationship with the organization (Vestjysk Hestevelfærd), also in this case, says police Ridehesten.com but many believe that there is something wrong with dyreværnsloven, as the horse owner have had many cases in the past:

The horses that are inside are never out of the box, and stands at over 1 meter shit. Are thin, some very thin under the dækkenet.

Out in the løsdriften three extremely thin horses. Despite the 10-15 cm coat you can see all the bones.

– the Story was the same in 2016-2017 and 2018.

– Why did the woman still horses. Yes because she comply with the order, and when the police and the Danish veterinary and food administration release her, start it on the new one.

– Danish veterinary and food administration and police can see in their paper how many times she is reported and charged, writes Vestjysk Hestevelfærd, which urge the Danish minister Mogens Jensen to take a little together:

– Now should this woman be stopped for the horses ‘ sake.

– So, dear minister: I Can not either kill or remove those poor horses, writes the organization that has set dyreværnslovens section 1 and 2 into:

section 1 Animals are living creatures and should be treated securely and protected in the best possible way against pain, suffering, distress, lasting harm and significant disadvantage.

§ 2 Anyone who keeps animals must ensure that they are treated lovingly, including that they housed, fed, watered and cared for, taking into account their physiological, behavioral, and health needs in accordance with recognised practical and scientific experiences.

Tine has written about the case to the nation!:

We are back in april 2016.

I’m running as a temporary worker in home care and come in the way around. We go out to a citizen, who lives on a farm.

She is against the expected not at home, so we decide just to check out the area if she should be now fallen and in need of help.

We go into staldbygningerne immediately is empty apart from the little hens. Far inside the buildings to get we opened the door, and find ourselves suddenly in a barn full of horses.

I have Never been in a place like this. Individual horses screams desperate at us when we enter, the rest just stand still – completely extinguished in the eyes. It seems like the animals who have given up and just waiting to die. 11 horses, ponies and foals standing there.

most have covers on but it is quite clear that many of them are very skinny underneath. They are sunken, visible spine and the. The bone below the withers can you take fat around.

I estimate that several of the big horses weighing up to 100 kg for a bit. There is a small foal, perhaps older than it seems, but because it is so undernourished it looks like a still need its mother’s milk. There is nothing edible in some of the animals – all in the bottom was wet and overskidt.

10. april 2016 contacts I dyreværnsorganisationen Vestjysk Hestevelfærd (VJH) and ask them for help.

They tell me that they are familiar with the address. Five days later, on 15. april I get the response back to the Police and the official Veterinarian have been past the site the day before.

There was printed straksbøde to the woman and she is given three weeks to get things improved, as well as to get his own vet stopped by for a check of the 11 horses.

Six of the horses were rated too lean. I get to know to know that the police and the VJH takes over and follows up on it from here. Moreover, neighbors told that the horses have not been out of the boxes in 4-5 months and the animals are not being fed.

yesterday, the 17/12 put VJH (Vestjysk Hestevelfærd) a notice up on their facebook page, addressed to Fødevareministeren with an appeal to have closed the holes in the Dyreværnsloven.

unfortunately, It is the same woman that I had reviewed. She has each time been charged. She has moved the horses to another city, but the problem followed. You have tried to help her with the horses, but she has refused. They are after her conviction just as they should be.

At the most recent visit found a dead horse. This has thrown around inside the box which is seen on a blodindsmurt box. Then been headed out on staldgangen after which it has been fighting around and later died there. It has with great probability been very painful.

Again the horses are never out of the boxes. The horses are raised a metre above the ground due to the amount of dung they are. And once again the unreasonably skinny.

How much do the horses go through before enough is enough? How many years must the here will continue – now it has at least been started in 4 years.

there Are not large gaps in our law when you can just comply with an order, pay a fine and then continue to vanrøgte them until it gets detected again?

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