the Names of 176 victims of the crash, which happened in Iran on Wednesday morning, is published.

The airline is Ukraine International Airlines, which have put a list up on their website with the passengers ‘ last name, first name and date of birth.

No, the danes are among the killed, informs the foreign ministry’s Citizen service to Ekstra Bladet.

‘Neither the state department’s Consular or embassy in Tehran has received no reports that suggest that there were Danish nationals on board the plane’, informs the ministry in an email to Ekstra Bladet.

Ukraine’s foreign minister, Vadym Prystaiko, has previously confirmed on Twitter that there are seven different nationalities among the killed. 82 from Iran, 63 from Canada, two Ukrainian passengers and nine Ukrainian crew members, ten from Sweden, four from Afghanistan, three from Germany and three from the Uk.

the Names of the pilots and crew members, who are among the 176 dead, have previously been published, writes CNN.

Policy – 9. jan. 2020 – pm. 08:04 a 75-minute nonsense: Insulting!

After a one-hour delay eased the Boeing 737-the plane from Iran’s capital Tehran at 06.12 in the direction of Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv. The plane was only a short time in the air, before it crashed.

the 112 – 9. jan. 2020 – pm. 07:21 Passenger aircraft was in flames before the crash

the First reports from Ukraine’s embassy to Iran was that it was an engine failure, there was fault in the accident. The opinion has since been withdrawn.

Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

In a report from Iran’s authority for civil aviation, it appears that the plane was already on fire before it hit the ground.

See also: the UNITED states justifies the killing of iranian general

there have Also been information that the pilots of the plane have not asked for help over the radio before the plane crashed.

the Pilots also tried to turn the plane before the crash. You do not know, however, why the pilots tried to turn the snout.

a Few hours before the air disaster had Iran carried out a missile attack against two us-led bases in Iraq. The one base housed both u.s. and Danish soldiers.

the Attack on the bases was a revenge for the US killing of iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani Friday of last week.

Policy – 8. jan. 2020 – pm. 15:35 Overview: What we know about the rocket attacks

When the plane crashed, there was therefore speculation that the accident may be due to a missile attack against the plane.

Iran has, however, denied that they should have shot down the plane.