In eight years, a 48-year-old man from Örebro in Sweden got the help of seven assistants, because he according to the police charges managed to convince the social services and several doctors that he suffered from multiple sclerosis in the severe degree, so that he had a very hard time to move.

But according to the police monitoring and videotaping of the man’s comings and goings in Sweden, there is nothing to suggest that the man has difficulty moving. The same applies in connection with a number of vacation pictures, as the police have gained access to. The man traveled almost every summer to his former home. And here he is, according to the police does not seem to have any problems with his serious illness.

Now he’s been indicted for grossly socialbedrageri and to have deceived the Swedish state for 15.6 million Swedish kronor, equivalent to approx. 11 million Danish kroner.

It writes multiple media including Aftonbladet

the Man was filmed while he was shopping in a diy store. Here he wears two big planks out, as he afterwards load into his car. (Photo:

– He has lived a completely normal life, but without having to work. And he has almost every year traveled on summer vacations to his former home, telling the prosecutor, Anders Persson to Aftonbladet and continues:

I claim that he has never been eligible for any form of assistance. He has never had the problems, as he has claimed that he has. He has simply simulated that he was seriously ill, says Anders Persson.

the Prosecutor acknowledges that the accused 48-year-old man suffering from multiple sclerosis. The problem is, according to the prosecutor, however, that he has lied about, how serious his illness is, and how much the disease affects him on a daily basis.

Out from the police surveillance videos of the man looks, he also seems to be able to move quite effortlessly, when, for example, he visits the local mosque in Örebro.

Police also have video images of the 48-year-old man, where he carries two big planks out from a diy store and loading them into his car. There are also video pictures, where he is in full speed slides down an orange slide. And finally, there are images, which he effortlessly and naturally sits in a swing and swings.

the Man was already in the month of april last year, revealed in socialbedrageri and remanded because of the various tips to the police and the social authorities. Seven assistants who have been employed to help the man, has also been charged in the case. They have received salaries to help the man, although none of them, according to the Aftonbladet have done so much as a minute’s work for him.

An eighth man is also charged in the case. He was the representative of an assistant-the company, which according to police has been instrumental to the fraud could be done.

In an email to Aftonbladet has the defence lawyer Hilda Bokvist explained that the 48-year-old man refuses to commit.

the Trial starts in the beginning of the month of February and is expected to be completed at the end of the month of march.