Every year, 1,500 cases of childhood and adolescent cancer are registered in Spain. Of these, 1,100 are children under 14 years of age and 400 are adults. The data revealed by the Spanish Federation of Parents are chilling and show the harsh reality: many children spend long hours, days, months in a hospital. That is why it is increasingly necessary to humanize the hospital life of these children. And the best way to do it is through play. This is precisely where the song “So that everything turns out well” was born, which the Juegaterapia Foundation created on the occasion of International Childhood Cancer Day.

A song composed exclusively for this day, with the aim of honoring children with cancer and giving them back all the love they give to their family and friends every day. The message is clear and significant: may everything turn out well. While it plays, the faces of Zaira, María, Ian, Javi, Sara, Sira, Celia, Aitana, Dani and Mathías appear. They represent the strength and courage of pediatric oncology patients who are going through the same thing as them.

From their innocence, they are the ones who encourage their families with a smile or with a “everything will be fine.” If the parents of these children agree on something, it is that their children are the ones who encourage them every day. “Zaira’s smile and his affection are my driving force to be able to carry out the day-to-day life of her illness,” says Sandra, Zaira’s mother. Miriam, María’s mother, agrees with her: “I am very grateful that Juegaterapia has told our story, the one in which the sick little ones are the ones who really make us all move forward and continue fighting.”

Furthermore, participating in the recording has been an opportunity for the children to play, have fun and enjoy themselves with other children. This is how Miriam has perceived it: “It has been a gift to be able to see María enjoy filming the advertisement so much, watching it with other children and being able to explain to them how they will soon be cured.” The campaign tells the real situation that Miriam and María (mother and daughter) experienced. María participated in a filming for the Juegaterapia Foundation in 2021 when she was sick and now she has been able to do it cured. María, who is hope for other children, explains: “I was able to share the day of filming with children who are now sick and I really liked talking to them and being able to encourage them and tell them that very soon they will be cured like me.”

With this initiative, once again, the Juegaterapia Foundation seeks to raise awareness about the importance of promoting the universe of games and hospital humanization in pediatric cancer processes. Taking into account what treatment can affect the mood, it is essential that children remain children and to do so they must have prepared rooms in hospitals so that they never stop playing.

The campaign, carried out by Marc González and produced by Sal Gorda with a team of more than 50 people involved, has featured an original musical composition by OEO