The accident on the Tomahawk attraction in Port Aventura this Sunday at 11:25 a.m. has left 14 injured, two of them critical. The fall of a tree on the roller coaster caused the branches to injure several people who were riding.

El Diari de Tarragona has been able to speak with one of the injured, who tells how he lived the terrifying experience. It is about a man who has gone to the park with his family, who upon seeing the strong wind that blew him away has decided to leave the park.

However, before doing so, the little son wanted to go on the Tomahawk and they were among the first to access the roller coaster. They sat in one of the last cars and at first everything was going well, he says. “In the end, when we approached the photograph, we saw that there was a tree on the wooden structure of the attraction. We saw the tree and that’s where the nightmare began,” he told the Tarragona newspaper.

He explains that his reaction has been immediate. “We have lowered our heads as quickly as we could. The tree has hit me on the head a couple of times, but there are people who have come out worse. We have seen a woman with a severe fracture in her head and a girl with a bloody face. There was a lot of blood and children crying, it was terrible. It was like being born again,” says the father of the family.

When the attraction finished the ride with the injured passengers, “we saw that there were people in line waiting to get on, but when they saw us they started screaming,” the witness said.

The man also explained that two people who were there claimed that they were anesthetists and focused on helping the two women who were in the most serious condition. Afterwards, the first ambulance arrived, and after about 20 minutes all the rest of the SEM vehicles and the medical helicopter arrived.