Two minors have been arrested after their mother was found dead inside a car in Castro Urdiales (Cantabria).

The woman’s body was found last night, around 9:00 p.m., inside a vehicle, as sources from the Government Delegation confirmed to EFE. The body showed signs compatible with a homicide, according to Europa Press.

The woman’s children were missing, but the Security Forces set up a device to find them and they were arrested around 2:15 a.m. this Thursday in the Cotolino area of ​​the same Cantabrian town.

The Civil Guard has established checkpoints in the town to try to find the minors, the SOS Disappeared Association has stated. According to ‘El Correo’ and ‘El Diario Montañés’, the victim was found gagged inside a car in a garage on Monte Cerredo Street. She was 48 years old and one of her children would be unimpeachable, as she was under 14 years old, reports ‘El Diario Montañés’. In statements to Cadena Ser, the Government delegate in Cantabria, Eugenia Gómez de Diego, has indicated that one of the sons – the eldest, who is detained – is suspected of having killed his mother. The little boy is in the custody of the Civil Guard, according to the aforementioned newspaper.