Two workers died this Saturday morning in a work accident that occurred at a plastic recycling plant in A Cañiza (Pontevedra).

The victims were a 42-year-old woman and a 50-year-old man, reports 061, which sent a basic life support ambulance and health personnel from the A Cañiza Continuing Care Point to the scene of the accident, although they could do nothing. by the two workers.

According to what 112 Galicia tells EFE, it was a colleague of the workers who alerted them to the event.

Emergencies Galicia received their call minutes after 2 in the morning and the informant did not explain very well what had happened, since he was in another area of ​​the recycling plant and had not seen the accident.

The worker reported that the two colleagues were under heavy, melted plastic bags and already in the first call he indicated that he sensed that both people were dead because he did not see them move.

112 notified the GES of Ponteareas and Ribadavia, the firefighters of Baixo Miño, who finally did not come because the first two emergency services confirmed that they had the means to free the victims, the Civil Guard and the medical services, as well as well as the Psychological Intervention Group in Disasters and Emergencies.