The Mossos d’Esquadra have arrested three men in Barcelona, ​​aged 21, 23 and 30, as alleged perpetrators of a crime of robbery with violence and another crime of injuries for having assaulted and beaten a tourist, who was seriously injured. to steal a luxury watch.

As reported this Friday by the Generalitat Police, the investigation began on January 28, after a 39-year-old tourist suffered a violent robbery in the Ciutat Vella district of Barcelona, ​​when he was about to enter a building. where he was staying and was assaulted from behind by two men. One of them immobilized him and the other tried to take the watch, and due to the victim’s resistance, they began to attack him until one of them seized the watch and fled.

The victim was able to restrain the other attacker, but at that moment three other young people, who were controlling the scene, jumped on the tourist and beat him violently until they all managed to flee.

Several witnesses reported the events and treated the victim until the emergency services arrived. The tourist was seriously injured in the face due to the blows received, although he was able to recover from these injuries. After the complaint was filed, agents from the Titani group, specialized in violent thefts of luxury watches, took charge of the investigation and were able to determine, in collaboration with the Urban Crime Group (FURA) of the Barcelona district of Ciutat Vella, the identity of three of those involved.

As a result of the investigations, on February 21 the agents arrested two of the perpetrators, aged 21 and 23, and on February 23 they arrested another 30-year-old man, all of them in Barcelona. The detainees, all of them with criminal records, were brought to justice in the investigative court on duty in Barcelona.