This Saturday a frontal system will affect the Cantabrian Sea and will leave skies covered practically throughout the north with precipitation that will be more abundant and persistent in Galicia, even with a tendency to decrease during the afternoon.

Cloud cover will be less likely the further south and east of the peninsula, as well as in the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands, with the snow level starting at 2,000 meters in the Pyrenees and the probability of morning fog and mist, especially in the western part of the Cantabrian Mountains and the interior of Galicia, according to the forecasts of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

Temperatures will tend to rise across the board, both maximum and minimum, so frosts will be weak and will be restricted to the Pyrenean environment.

Light or moderate winds from the southwest will predominate in the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, while in the Canary Islands the trade wind will blow from the northeast, with some strong intervals.

GALICIA: widespread, locally persistent and especially strong showers in the western half during the morning, with mists and fog in the interior at the beginning and end of the day. Rising thermometers and moderate southwest winds with strong intervals and very strong gusts in exposed areas of the coast and high areas in the north of Lugo.

ASTURIAS: covered with widespread rain and scattered mists in the mountain range in the early and late hours, on a day in which temperatures will rise. The wind will blow light and variable on the eastern coast and, in the rest, moderate from the southwest, although with strong and very strong intervals in high mountain areas.

CANTABRIA: cloudy with less frequent rains on the coast that will subside at the end of the day, with scattered fog in high areas of the mountain range at the beginning and end of the day. Thermometers will rise across the board and the wind will be weak from the south on the coast and moderate from the southwest in the interior, with strong and very strong gusts in high areas.

BASQUE COUNTRY: clouds and showers, less frequent on the coast and in any case subsiding at the end of the day. Temperatures will rise, with locally notable minimums in the northern half of the region. Light wind from the south on the coast and moderate from the southwest in the interior, with strong and very strong intervals in high areas.

CASTILLA Y LEÓN: covered with weak rainfall, more frequent and intense in mountain areas, in the northern half of the autonomous community; while in the rest there will be clouds but a lower probability of rain. Mist and fog in the northwest and generally rising temperatures. Wind will blow from the southwest.

NAVARRA: cloudy with widespread rain, which will be less likely in the Tudela area. Temperatures will increase, notably the minimum temperatures in the northern half and, less markedly, the maximum temperatures in the southern half. Light winds from the south and southeast with moderate and strong intervals in mountainous areas of the north.

LA RIOJA: covered with weak rainfall. Rising temperatures, except for the maximum in some areas of the Ebro valley. Winds from the southwest in the mountains and from the northwest, weak in the valley.

ARAGON: covered in the Pyrenean area with weak frosts and with precipitation on the divide and, in the rest, cloudy intervals with a probability of showers in the afternoon in the northern and southeastern half of the Iberian region, without also ruling them out in the rest of the half. south in isolation. Rising temperatures, locally notable in the Pyrenees and the Iberian system. Loose west wind with moderate intervals.

CATALUNYA: cloudy with weak rainfall in the Pyrenees and cloudy intervals in the rest, with some isolated afternoon showers in the northern half. Thermometers are increasing, locally notable in the western Pyrenees, which will still experience light frosts. Light variable wind at first and last hour, although in central hours it will be from the west with moderate intervals.

EXTREMADURA: cloudy intervals, without ruling out weak rainfall in the north of the region. Generally rising temperatures and weak southwest and west winds.

COMMUNITY OF MADRID: intervals of high clouds that in the mountains will be accompanied by medium clouds from midday without ruling out some weak precipitation in the afternoon at high altitudes. Thermometers will rise and light southwest winds will blow with moderate intervals during the central hours.

CASTILLA-LA MANCHA: intervals of high clouds and also medium clouds in the Central System where some weak precipitation is not ruled out in the afternoon. Temperatures will increase, which will be locally notable in the case of the maximums in the north of La Mancha. Light wind from the west with moderate intervals in the northern half.

VALENCIAN COMMUNITY: generally clear, although with intervals of high clouds and without ruling out some isolated afternoon showers in the interior of the northern third. Thermometers are rising, locally notable in points in the interior of Valencia. Light wind from the west in the interior and a weak to moderate southerly component during the central hours on the coast.

REGION OF MURCIA: clear skies on a day in which temperatures will rise. Variable light wind, with some moderate intervals and a southern component on the coast.

BALEARIC ISLANDS: slightly cloudy with mists and banks of morning fog and some intervals of high clouds. Thermometers will not experience changes in principle but, if they do, it will be to rise. The wind will blow between light and moderate from the south and southwest.

ANDALUSIA: clear skies with some intervals of high clouds. Temperatures increase throughout the autonomous community. Variable light winds will blow, with moderate intervals of a westerly component in the afternoon on the coast.

CANARY ISLANDS: slightly cloudy or clear skies, except in low areas in the north of the islands with greater relief, where there will be cloudy intervals during the early hours of the morning. Temperatures will rise slightly, although the maximum temperatures could register a locally moderate increase in the midlands and summits. Moderate wind from the northeast, with strong intervals on the southeast and northwest slopes of the islands of greater relief and weak from the east on summits.