The Prosecutor’s Office of the National Court processes pre-procedural proceedings on health responsibility due to the complaint filed by the Patient Ombudsman Association regarding the production of adverse health effects due to the consumption of the medication Nolotil.

The actions are intended to protect the fundamental right of citizens to physical integrity in relation to the right to health protection, as well as the right to be protected against risks that may affect their health in their capacity as consumers and users of health services.

In a letter signed by the prosecutor Manuel Campoy, the practice of proceedings with the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products is agreed, so that it can send a report on the identifying data of the manufacturing company/s, importers, marketers and distributors. in Spain, the authorizations granted and the communication of adverse reactions, among others.

Likewise, the Public Ministry wants to have information on the indication of the countries in which it has been withdrawn from the market and the differences and reasons why its marketing is maintained in Spain.

In Spain it is one of the most prescribed analgesics for intense pain that does not subside with the intake of Paracetamol. However, in some countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Ireland, this drug is banned due to a rare side effect that can lead to an immune disorder called agranulocytosis. This complication is rare and is related to a greater genetic predisposition in the Anglo-Saxon population.