The boys want to be soccer players and the girls teachers, but they agree that they would like to earn a “million-dollar” salary, have a friend as their boss in the future, and travel when they reach retirement age.

This is reflected in the annual survey “What do you want to be when you grow up”, by Adecco, which has been resumed after two years of hiatus and which analyzes which professions are chosen by the country’s boys and girls and their perceptions of the business world and work.

With a total of 1,100 surveyed minors between the ages of 4 and 16, the survey shows that the gender bias continues to exist, especially when choosing a professional career.

While boys want careers linked to sport (over 41%), girls prefer jobs in the world of education and training (24%), a pattern Adecco says is the same as it was 17 years ago.

Soccer player is the profession most voted for by children (chosen by 36%), followed by those related to law enforcement and national security (with 13%, -9% as police officers and 3% as firefighters-); and careers related to science (6%).

On the other hand, 24% of girls want to be a teacher, 9% veterinarians and 5% police officers. Overall, the works that have to do with the artistic world such as singers, actresses or dancers stand out, which add up to 13%.

Asked about the person they would like to have as their boss in the future, boys and girls agree on a friend (13% men, 21% women).

However, soccer stars and music take center stage. While 32% of boys choose leaders from the sports field such as Cristiano Ronaldo or Leo Messi as bosses, 16% of girls choose figures from the world of music such as Karol G or Aitana.

Where they all agree is that they would like to earn a million-dollar amount -an answer given by more than half of the boys and girls-, followed by an average salary of between 1,000 and 2,000 euros per month (17%) or one million euros per month ( 14%). 8% even settle for a salary of less than 500 euros.

The differences by sex are appreciated again when they are asked about the type of company in which they want to work or undertake.

They choose to work in companies in the sports field such as football or basketball clubs, sportswear stores and gyms, although they also bet on setting up a car sales business.

On the contrary, they would like to be part of the fashion world, either as workers or entrepreneurs. Both boys and girls have answered that they want to travel when they reach retirement age.

However, boys also choose to watch TV (9%) or do nothing (5%), while girls seek to take care of grandchildren (10%) or spend time with family (5%).

Finally, the study shows that 4 out of 10 children do not know what elections or unemployment are and half have not been able to explain what a scholarship is.

Likewise, although 1 in 4 minors do not watch the news, 17% affirm that the Russian invasion in Ukraine is the most important news of recent times.