Hello good morning!

Yesterday afternoon the amnesty law proposal was registered. Tomorrow and Thursday there is Sánchez’s investiture session. Decisions are rushed, but his instability is expected for a long time.

The PSOE presents the amnesty law: it foresees that almost 400 people can benefit; will affect events related to the process since 2012; It is justified to facilitate “coexistence” within the constitutional framework. Here are your keys. Here is the critique of justice.

The rule reaches Congress at the same time that Sánchez’s investiture session is convened for tomorrow and Thursday in a more than tense atmosphere. Vox joins the nightly protests. To the thick words (“Sánchez should leave in a trunk”), the PP.

The numbers add up to approve the amnesty as well as the investiture, although ERC has some doubts about its scope and polarization drags everything down. According to the calendar, the first council of ministers will be able to meet on Tuesday. It begins between fires, see the CEOE.

40 Hispano-Palestinians have been successfully evacuated from Gaza. They leave behind death and destruction. The collapse in the hospitals on the strip speaks for itself. Although there is still a lot left. Israel believes that outside pressure will take time to intensify.

Cameron stars in the most unexpected resurrection in the United Kingdom. The former prime minister of the Brexit referendum and austerity joins the Sunak Government, which thereby seeks to convey moderation and turn Europe around. The actual effect of it is a mystery.

The movement of parents against the use of mobile phones before the age of 16 is expanding. Catherine L’Ecuyer, specialist, interviewed today in La Vanguardia, is pessimistic: “We use our children and their brains like guinea pigs, it is reckless,” she summarizes.

Foreign funds are launched into Spanish nursing homes. The French were already there but today Norway, the United Arab Emirates are joining in… The business is big and mostly private and the phenomenon is growing.

Daniel Giralt-Miracle, cultural manager and art critic. “We are experiencing a ‘big bang’ in the arts that changes everything.” Read it here.

The most beautiful desert on earth is considered to be Wadi Rum in Jordan. The number of times it ends up being chosen to film, for example, whether it’s films about prehistory or science fiction that talk about it. Here’s why.

Giving up inheritance to avoid fights with siblings is becoming common. And if 16% of the heirs resign and the majority do so to avoid the deceased’s debts or due to lack of liquidity to pay taxes, “80% end up angry.”

Baby boomers are reaching retirement. The first generation of women who joined the workforce en masse is retiring. It revolutionizes the paradigm of old age and retirement.

Gaby Pérez Islas, thanatologist, writer and lecturer. “Nothing brings you closer to a person than anger, not even love.” Read it here.