Hello good morning!

There is still a long way to go until the European elections in June, but the road until then is expected to be tough and the government-opposition pacts almost unimaginable. Pamplona, ​​yesterday, pointed it out again. Alert, moreover, for eating disorders in young people.

10,000 people called by UPN, the PP and Vox, demonstrated yesterday in Pamplona against the pact between the socialists and EH Bildu that will give the latter the mayorship of the Navarrese capital. What happens here already affects beyond.

Cuca Gamarra, general secretary of the PP, today in La Vanguardia: “Sánchez wants a photo with Feijóo to whitewash others.” Agreeing on the renewal of the governing body of the Judiciary that the PSOE demands sounds further away.

The European elections in June are thus pointed out once again, also in the words of Gamarra, as the new “key” date. Other analysts consider that what happens in Pamplona, ​​on the contrary, draws on the spirit of the generation of the Ajuria Enea pacts.

Anorexia, bulimia and binge eating already affect girls between 10 and 12 years old. What’s more, psychiatrists warn of a “brutal” increase in eating disorders.

The State is risking up to 5,000 million in litigation over toll roads. The companies are waiting for the rulings on the AP-7 and the bankrupt radio stations. In parallel, Transport will set a 4% increase in tolls.

Loop. The war between Israel and Hamas in the strip adds cracks. The latest: the Church denounces that Israel killed two parishioners “in cold blood” on the strip. The army says it acted against “terrorists.” Palestinians raid trucks carrying humanitarian aid.

Biden negotiates a restrictive immigration law in exchange for unblocking aid to Ukraine. It could be the lifeline for Kyiv and perhaps its way to deflect criticism from the left wing of his party for Israel? For its part, Chile remains with Pinochet’s Constitution.

Clara Galle, actress. “We are no longer surprised by some sexist comments; It is sad, but I think we are very used to it and that is exactly the problem.” Read it here.

Movies are now seen… in pieces. Consuming fragmented titles on TikTok is no longer an exception. And it is explained like this: “The young people of generation Z and millennials were born in a frenetic time and flee from long works.”

There is a shortage of volunteer Santa Clauses in the UK. As explained, the reason is attributed to Brexit, the pandemic and the economic crisis. For those that involve paid work, yes, the income is high. Who would have imagined it before Brexit…

Can an artificial intelligence with “superpowers” ​​endanger humanity? Experts are divided: there are those who minimize the risks; At the same time, there are those who speak of “threat.” The possibility is always remote, but it is debated (video).

Antoñita Singla, ‘la Singla’, the deaf dancer who revolutionized flamenco. She “was deaf, she put me in front of the mirror, moved her lips and danced.” Read it here.