Hello good morning!

It is already known: without water there is no life and, thus, little more needs to be said to gauge the consequences of Catalonia experiencing a drought emergency in the middle of winter. It seems, however, a warning for sailors.

In the middle of winter, when there is still summer left, the drought hits Barcelona and Girona, although the Government of the Generalitat hopes to overcome it without making a connection with the Ebro network. It seeks to project that it has the situation under control.

The declaration of an emergency situation, however, opens the doors to phase I of a plan that includes several domestic restrictions. The Catalan Executive reiterates that the drop in water pressure, for example, “will not be generalized.”

And the sign that the case of Catalonia is a warning for sailors is provided by the natural area of ​​Doñana, in Andalusia. Today it is known that in 2023 it experienced its annus horribilis with record high temperatures and reduction of species.

“There will be an Amnesty law. Junts and PSOE know their responsibility,” former president Rodríguez Zapatero said last night in Foros de Vanguardia. Sánchez, in turn, insists that there will be one because the independence movement “is not terrorism.” New avenues are already being explored.

The month of January shatters all records for the arrival of irregular immigrants to Spain. The Canary Islands alone received more than 7,000, triple the number of all those who arrived in Italy.

The extreme right grows country after country until it is normalized among the main forces here and there. Proposing that the extreme right can take the helm of the world seems closer. And what would that world be like? Eight researchers respond.

Technologies break one limit after another over time, but in the case of artificial intelligence, the speed increases. The latest innovation here is one that learns language by simulating how the brain does it. He has trained with a child from six to 25 months old.

Figa Flawas, the band of the moment. “We recorded the first album inside a closet.” Read it here.

The house of scandals. The Berlusconi sell Villa Certosa, Silvio Berlusconi’s luxurious Sardinian mansion, witness to parties, summits and, yes, controversies. The heirs of the former Italian premier seek to avoid his astronomical living costs.

Another Friday of premieres in theaters, this time with several four-star new releases. Highlights are “an exemplary psycho-thriller” made in the USA, Misántropo. But just like The Promised Land of “a retired military man like Danish John Wayne” in the 18th century or other European films.

If imagining the Nazi concentration camps is always difficult due to their cruelty, it is even worse to think about what the day-to-day life would be like in them for their lowest level, for example that of prostitutes chosen at random. It is revealed by the historian Fermina Cañaveras.

Mario Javier Saban, Kabbalah teacher. “There is nothing more deadly than the ego nor more foolish than a daffodil.” Read it here.