Hello good morning!

Kyiv is breathing a little better today, Tel Aviv a little worse, because both see changes in the context that could be key. In Spain, apart, the practices of thousands of vocational training students are in jeopardy (unjustifiably).

Ukraine gains hope. The EU gives the green light to the start of negotiations for the accession of Ukraine. The European leaders circumvent the Hungarian veto to honor Zelensky with an unprecedented solution – Orbán is out of the room.

The Ukrainian problem continues in that the front is immobile, international money for the war is blocked and Putin’s resistance is high. Or worse: the Russian president publicly predicts a long war until he achieves his objectives or gets Kyiv to surrender.

The US raises the tone for its part on Gaza and demands that Israel end the massive attacks and move to surgical tactics before the end of the year. The visit to the military cemetery on Mount Herzl reminds us, however, of how far we have come and how much remains until peace.

The work practices of hundreds of thousands of Vocational Training students are up in the air. Companies do not register them with Social Security, which is mandatory as of January. Some autonomies are asking for a new moratorium.

The image that follows may end up meaning more than expected. Junts puts on the table a formal meeting already agreed between Puigdemont and Sánchez. The socialist does not reject it but replies that it is not on the agenda. Seen today: there are gaps (few) until the end of the year.

The economic forecast is for lower inflation but the ECB rejects lowering rates. Lagarde assures that she is awaiting the effect of salary increases. The Spanish employers demand to review prices with the increase in the minimum wage: “We are not going to bend our arm.”

Brussels has launched a pioneering change with the aim of making artificial intelligence respect fundamental rights. AI already has rules of the game in Europe… And it’s time to put a face to it. These are the programs that will be banned for being risky.

Juan Gómez-Jurado, writer. “I have done something new that has changed the thriller.” Read it here.

New Friday of movie premieres and this time with an outstanding film: The Bayonne Snow Society that recreates the epic of the plane crash in the Andes of 1972. “Ambitious and exciting,” it is summarized. The portion of good cinema does not end here.

At work it is not good to give it your all, at least if you follow “the 85% rule”, the level of effort that is believed to be the most appropriate to maintain good health and a good level of productivity. Here in detail.

Hatred of the LGTBI movement, a question of geography? Sexual and gender diversity is part of the European cultural battle and the further east you look in Europe, the more LGTBI hatred there is. The good news: Poland is moving in the opposite direction.

Jono Lancaster, founder of the Love Me, Love My Face Foundation. “My face allows me to appreciate the beauty that we all have inside.” Read it here.