Every March 4, World Obesity Day is commemorated, seeking to raise awareness among society and health professionals about the risks of this disease and its consequences for health. Obesity is a complex and multi-causal disorder, which consists of an abnormal or excessive accumulation of body fat, which can be harmful to health. It represents a public health problem worldwide and a risk factor for developing other diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia, high blood pressure, some types of cancer, and can cause low self-esteem and depression.

Obesity reduces life expectancy equivalent to smoking and is the fifth cause of death in the world. Furthermore, it is an underdiagnosed and highly stigmatized disease. Its appearance is due to multiple factors, such as stress, sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, environmental influences and genetic predispositions. We also know that the causes of obesity include aspects that are beyond people’s control. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions worldwide. The WHO estimates that one in every four inhabitants of the planet will be obese in 2035. In Spain, 38% of adults weigh more than recommended and 16% are obese, and the forecast is that in 2030 the prevalence of obesity will be 37%.

The best way to combat this pathology is to encourage prevention and control programs. It is essential to recognize obesity as a chronic disease, which favors the development of numerous health risk factors and the appearance of other chronic diseases, but which is preventable and treatable. However, the lack of education and specialized training of doctors and other health professionals is one of the main barriers to effective treatment of obesity. Losing weight depends on awareness, attitude, effort and knowledge.

ServiDigest Clinic in Barcelona has a unit specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of obesity made up of multidisciplinary teams (doctors specializing in endocrinology, bariatric endoscopy and obesity surgery, nutritionists and psychologists) with the aim of understanding the causes and taking action. necessary for proper management for each person. ServiDigest Clinic has diagnostic tools to detect metabolic alterations and evaluate complications, and multiple therapeutic options (nutritional advice, psychological support, physical activity programs, pharmacological treatments and bariatric procedures (endoscopic intragastric balloon, endoscopic gastroplasties -Apollo method-, metabolic bariatric surgery ) to combat pathology.

It is essential that each person has individualized follow-up by different professionals to work on all aspects of the obesity problem. Lifestyle changes, pharmacotherapy, endoscopic-surgical interventions, and prevention and treatment programs can help patients achieve a healthy weight and prevent complications. Greater specialization leads to better care for people living with this pathology. It is necessary to debunk myths and assume that obesity is a disease. We are all called to contribute to its resolution.