Nepalese mountaineer Kami Rita Sherpa managed to summit Everest this Wednesday for the second consecutive time this season, becoming the first person in the world to climb the highest mountain on the planet 30 times. Sherpa reached the summit at 7:49 local time (2:04 GMT), Khim Lal Gautam, the official in charge of coordinating Everest Base Camp, told EFE.

The Nepalese mountaineer summited the world’s highest mountain, 8,849 meters, for the twenty-ninth time on May 12, and already at the beginning of the spring season he had promised that he would achieve two consecutive ascents.

The career of the mountaineer who has summited Everest the most times, ahead of others such as Nepalese Pasang Dawa (27 ascents), began in 1992 when he joined an expedition to the peak as a member of the support staff. Since then, Sherpa has managed to climb to the ‘top of the world’ practically every year and in six seasons, including the current one, he has also achieved double promotions.

In addition to Everest, he has climbed Cho Oyu eight times, 8,201 meters high, Manaslu three times, 8,163 meters high, and K2 and Lhotse once, which rise 8,611 and 8,516 meters above sea level, respectively. .

The Government of Nepal has issued permits to climb Everest to 419 people, a decrease from the 479 granted last year, amid concerns about the overcrowding of climbers on the world’s highest mountain and its environmental impact.

Gautam stated that since May 10, when the spring climbing season began, more than five hundred people, including climbers and guides, have successfully ascended Everest.

A permit to reach the summit of Everest costs about $11,000 for foreigners, although climbers end up spending between $40,000 and $90,000 on the entire expedition.