The Blanquerna Faculty of Communication and International Relations (Ramon Llull University) was the scene of the “Masters of Communication” awards ceremony, which celebrated its 8th edition on March 4. These awards highlight the professional and academic careers of outstanding people in the field of Advertising, Public Relations and Journalism.

This year’s winners, who were announced within the framework of the Blanquerna Communication Conference, are Muntsa Dachs, distinguished in Advertising; Maria Lluïsa Martínez Gistau, recognized in Public Relations; and Joan Maria Clavaguera, prominent in the field of Journalism. The awards ceremony took place the same day in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Communication and Institutional Relations.

Muntsa Dachs is Strategy Director, with more than thirty years of experience in Branding and Communication. Her training in Graphic Design at EINA led her to hold various positions in prominent companies such as Lorente-Mussons, Vinizius-YR and VMLYR. She has been a strategic consultant for brands such as Fira de Barcelona, ​​Nocilla, Gallo, Nutrisport, ColaCao and Burger King, among others.

Maria Lluïsa Martínez Gistau, for her part, serves as Director of Communication and Institutional Relations at Caixabank, and is a member of the Management Committee. With a background in Contemporary History and Information Sciences, she has held various roles at “la Caixa” before assuming her current position.

Joan Maria Clavaguera, renowned journalist and teacher, has played prominent roles in media outlets such as Catalunya Ràdio, Grupo Godó and Cadena 13, among others. Currently, he is a professor at the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication and International Relations and is part of the management team of the Degree in Journalism and Corporate Communication.

The “Masters of Communication” Awards were established by the Degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing of the FCRI Blanquerna-URL and the Gremi de Publicitat. Since their creation, these awards have been a recognition from both the academic and professional fields of people who have stood out in the fields of advertising, public relations and journalism, not only for their professional achievements, but also for their work in training and its commitment to the development of institutions that represent communication professionals.