The auditorium of the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication and International Relations hosted, on May 3, a unique cinematographic experience: a masterclass with the renowned director Juan Antonio Bayona.

The director, who has been in the news thanks to his Oscar-nominated film The Snow Society, participated in an intimate conversation with the students of the faculty.

From his beginnings in Spanish cinema to his international recognition with films such as “The Orphanage” and “The Impossible”, Bayona shared his exciting career with the attendees in this talk.

Moderated by Dr. Judith Colell, director of the Audiovisual Communication degree, the masterclass offered an intimate vision of Bayona’s creativity, her influences and her work processes. The audience, largely undergraduate students, had the opportunity to interact with the filmmaker, asking him questions and receiving valuable advice for his professional future.

“Developing your own way of thinking, your own vision, is the most difficult thing for a film director; At first the guide is intuition, the way to articulate it is the film,” Bayona explained in his conference.

The auditorium was filled from gom to gom to continue this very dynamic and close conversation. Bayona showed great complicity and empathy, and the experiences she shared with the attendees created an atmosphere charged with emotions.

Bayona spoke about his professional career and also his formative stage. Most of the event was devoted to questions from the students. The director answered all the questions raised and offered advice to the students that will surely accompany them during their career. The university gave a very positive assessment of the event, which they described as one of the best events experienced at the Faculty.