After an Easter Week with hardly any rain and with high temperatures for the time of year, similar weather is expected this Monday and Tuesday, prior to the arrival of a cold front that will bring rain to the north in the middle of the week and a ” accused” and brief drop in temperatures across the country.

This drop in temperatures will, however, be “transitory”, observed Rubén Del Campo, spokesperson for Aemet, to highlight that, as of Friday, “temperatures will rise again”, especially in the south of the Peninsula, where may exceed 30 degrees.

“Except for this brief interruption on Wednesday and Thursday, the atmosphere will continue to be warm for the time of year and with very little rain, following the pattern of the first days of April and March, the second warmest March and the second driest of the century. XXI in Spain”, explained Del Campo.

This Monday, the highlight will be the heat, and thus in cities like Córdoba and Seville again 33-34 degrees will be recorded; In the Canary Islands it will also reach 32 degrees in points in the south of the islands, in addition to strong winds in the western islands, which will carry dust in suspension, giving rise to haze.

For Tuesday “the situation will not change substantially”, with strong winds in the Canary Islands and haze, and little cloudiness in almost the entire country, although with possible rains at the end of the day in Galicia.

Tomorrow, temperatures will not experience major changes with daytime values ​​between 5-10 degrees above normal and even between 10 and 15 degrees in large areas of the southern half, with values ​​that, in general, will be above 25 degrees in large areas of the Peninsula.

On Wednesday “change arrives” – warned the spokesman – to detail that the passage of a front will sweep the Peninsula from west to east, leaving rains in the north of the peninsula, more significant in Galicia, the Cantabrian Sea, north of Navarra and the Pyrenees, while in the rest of the country it will be “four drops”.

Temperatures will drop clearly in almost the entire country, up to 8-10 degrees compared to the day before in the northwest, where Burgos, León and Oviedo will not exceed 15 degrees, although -Del Campo has insisted- “we cannot speak of cold”, but rather normal temperatures for the time of year, somewhat cooler in the northwest.

In the rest of the country, the values ​​will remain high for the season, especially in the eastern end of the peninsula, due to the west and northwest winds that arrive dry and overheated and that will leave 33 or 34 degrees in Murcia and Valencia.

On Thursday – the spokesman has advanced – “it will dawn cold in the northern half” with frost in mountain areas, northern plateau and central páramos, which will favor that in Burgos, Soria, Palencia or Teruel minimums will be registered at dawn below zero; in the east and in the Balearic Islands the values ​​will drop 8-10 degrees compared to the day before.

That day the front will finish crossing the Peninsula and may leave some isolated showers in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands and in the extreme north, but in the rest of the country dry weather will predominate and with wind from the west and northwest, more intense in the Bay of Biscay, northwest peninsular, Mediterranean area and the Canary Islands.

As of Friday, the presence of the anticyclone is most likely again with stable weather, without rain and with temperatures rising from that same day above the usual values ​​for the time.