The arrival of Ana Sandra, the granddaughter of Ana Obregón continues to be one of the most important issues today. After the news last Tuesday, in which it was revealed that the little girl was actually the daughter of Aless Lequio and therefore the granddaughter of Ana Obregón and Alessandro Lequio, numerous information related to the well-known birth continues to come to light.

Now an interview that Ana Obregón’s son gave on a television program a few years ago has become relevant, after Aless Lequio’s confession that his father wanted to be a grandfather.

The interview took place in 2016, four years before his death, in the program that was broadcast on La 1 de Televisión Española called En tu casa o en la mía. The space presented by Bertín Osborne had Ana Obregón as a guest. During the interview, the presenter had the opportunity to chat for a few minutes with Aless Lequio.

During the conversation he had with Bertín Osborne, the young man confirmed that he was single, but that his great weakness was women. “My father must have said this three hundred thousand times. When I focus on something and want to pursue my dream, women get into my ambitions and I end up going there. Now I’ve closed myself off a bit towards relationships,” he confessed.

One of the great revelations that the young man made was telling the wish that his father had. “I hope to have offspring, if not my father capes me,” he said. He also added that he was someone very traditional and that in the future he hoped to marry and start a family, although many children were not part of his plans.

Aless Lequio also had the opportunity to talk about the relationship he had with his brother Clemente. ”He’s a great guy, but I haven’t had the pleasure of appreciating his company all my life,” she explained. “When we started seeing each other again, about three or four years ago, it’s amazing how genes play even though you haven’t seen to that person. You sit with him and it seems like you’ve known him forever,” he added.