Gender violence affects women and children in Spain: in just five days, four sexist aggressors have allegedly killed three women and a 5-year-old girl and left one victim in a coma and two other minors. wounded.

Perpetrated between Saturday, November 25 – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women – and Wednesday, these four cases involved the minor sons and daughters of the victims, in one case as witnesses and in the others three as victims of vicarious violence. They have taken place in Madrid, Valencia and Tenerife.

His victims were named Fátima, Tatiana Beatriz and Leticia and the little victim of vicarious violence was named Abril. Two of the women had denounced their attackers in the past.

So far this year, 54 women have been murdered by their partners or ex-partners and two girls have been fatal victims of vicarious crimes in Spain. There are 1,239 women murdered since 2003 and 50 minors killed by their fathers or their mothers’ partners or ex-partners since 2013.

After registering this concentration of crimes, the Minister of Equality, Ana Redondo, has stressed that “Spanish democracy cannot tolerate more sexist murders” and has assured on the social network and will strengthen consensus against discourses that deny it.

This Wednesday, Fátima, 34 years old and of Moroccan nationality, was murdered in her home in Sagunt (Valencia) allegedly by her ex-partner, of the same nationality and 39 years old.

Fátima’s 13-year-old daughter was also injured after falling from a second floor through an interior patio and is in the hospital with a reserved prognosis.

Police sources have indicated to EFE that it is still too early to determine if the man threw her into the void or she rushed away, fleeing from him.

The confessed feminicide turned himself in at the police station, where he confessed that he had slit the victim’s throat. There were previous complaints of mistreatment against him; In fact, in 2016 he was convicted of attacking his wife with kicks and punches.

Fátima was the mother of two girls – aged 13 and 8 – and her crime is the sixth sexist murder in the Valencian Community so far in 2023.

In Madrid, in the district of Carabanchel, Tatiana Beatriz and Abril, her 5-year-old daughter, were murdered in their home, allegedly by the former’s ex-partner and the girl’s father, who attempted suicide after the crime.

The victim, originally from Peru like the alleged murderer, was 25 years old. In 2020, she had filed a complaint against her partner for two episodes of abuse.

In the police system, VioGén was classified as a high-risk and especially relevant victim and a protection order was in force for a month and a half. However, the measures were withdrawn by a judge from a violence against women court and in December 2022 the aggressor was acquitted.

The vicarious crime of little Abril is the second in Spain this year after that of India, 8 years old, in Valladolid.

On Saturday, November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women), Leticia was strangled in her home in Madrid in the presence of her two minor children.

The husband, 42 years old and active military, notified 112 that he had killed his wife. The agents who went to the home managed to reverse the victim’s respiratory arrest, and she was transferred to the Gregorio Marañón Hospital, where she finally died on Monday.

Leticia, who was a nurse in Marañón, had filed for divorce in October. The alleged feminicide, about whom there were no previous complaints of abuse, was admitted to prison on Monday without bail.

With these crimes, there are now 7 women murdered in Madrid by their partners or ex-partners.

In Arona (Tenerife) an attack took place on Wednesday against a 34-year-old woman and her four-year-old daughter. The girl’s father, 31, allegedly set fire to the house in which they lived.

The victim is in an induced coma due to the severe burns he has suffered and his daughter has been slightly injured.