One of the usual cricket matches that the Hindu community celebrates on Sundays in the large parking lot of the Alcampo shopping center, was marred yesterday around 9:00 p.m. by a massive fight that ended with five injured by a knife, as reported by the Mossos d’ Squad.

While the Sunday game was being played, before dozens of people, a group of people broke into the parking lot to confront one of those who were playing, according to some witnesses. Immediately a massive fight began in which they used bladed weapons such as cutters and knives, but also baseball and cricket bats.

The attack dispersed the crowd and the pitched battle moved towards the supermarket building until the first security personnel arrived. As a result of the fight, five people were slightly injured, most with cuts on their backs, fingers and arms.

The Mossos d’Esquadra report that no one has been detained but they do not rule out that arrests could be made in the next few hours while the investigation progresses.