There are many myths about dental veneers. Today we spoke with Dr. Álvaro Giner, a specialist in dental veneers and oral biomechanics, to remove them. He has a degree in Dentistry from the UB, an associate professor in the master’s degree in Craniomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain (UIC) and a specialist in oral rehabilitation at the Kois Center in Seattle.

What are the latest advances in dental veneers?

One aspect that has improved significantly in the last decade, in addition to our ability to make veneers much thinner, is digital planning. Today we can work with minimal ceramic thicknesses (up to 0.1 mm), a key advance to achieve natural results. It is achieved by creating a virtual model of the patient and planning with previously unimaginable precision. This allows active integration of the patient, giving them total control during all phases of the treatment.

Are veneers only used to improve aesthetics?

It is a very widespread idea, but it is not like that. Increasingly, in consultation we see people with dental wear, either due to acid erosion due to digestive problems, a diet that is too acidic, or due to S

There are those who fear that they will fall

Numerous studies published in recent years support the idea that, if rigorous protocols are followed in its preparation and carried out by professionals with extensive experience, the success rates after ten years exceed 95%.

What is the biggest advantage of getting veneers at LineUp Studio? At LineUp Studio we not only focus on correcting aesthetic problems, but we strive to ensure the proper functioning of your dental system, crucial for long-term success. As a team of oral rehabilitation specialists, each treatment is personalized, addressing everything from complex full mouth restoration cases to simpler situations. Furthermore, thanks to our advanced planning protocols, we manage to perform 90% of cases in just two visits, optimizing comfort for patients by reducing travel.

If you have any concerns related to your dental aesthetics or notice that your teeth are showing wear, do not hesitate to contact us for a personalized evaluation.