The European Day for Cardiovascular Risk Prevention, celebrated on March 14, was the context chosen by Daiichi Sankyo to organize the second edition of Metacardio 2024, which took place in Gijón and is positioning itself as an unmissable event for health specialists. cardiovascular.

In line with Daiichi Sankyo’s commitment to innovation as a key element to improve cardiovascular health in the future, Metacardio allowed attendees to discover how new technologies, Virtual Reality (VR) or artificial intelligence (AI) are going to change the model of prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases; through various presentations and metaworkshops aimed at healthcare professionals.

Metacardio was the setting where Doctopedia XR was launched, the virtual reality training platform that will allow healthcare professionals to acquire practical skills in a safe and controlled environment. Doctopedia Through this platform, developed in collaboration with Imersive Oasis, it is possible to recreate different clinical scenarios in which healthcare professionals can practice and improve their skills in real simulation situations.

Metacardio started with the talk “Card-IA: the future is already here”, in which Dr. Julio Mayol, head of the Surgery Section at the San Carlos Clinical Hospital, participated, who assures that: “the improvement of quality and Clinical safety of patients’ medical care involves innovation in the application of digitalization, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, or advanced analytics in a transversal manner. This presentation also included the intervention of Dr. Rafael Vidal Pérez, cardiologist at the A Coruña University Hospital Complex, who explained that “artificial intelligence has arrived in cardiology to stay. “It will mean a before and after in the real results achieved in clinical practice, since it implies a true revolution in clinical management.”

Metacardio was attended by 100 health professionals who, for two days, were able to experience how new technologies are going to change the day-to-day approach to cardiovascular health.

Cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause of death in Spain, where 27% of the deaths registered during the first half of 2023 were due to pathologies related to the cardiovascular system, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

In this context, the prevention of cardiovascular disease in patients with high or very high risk is one of the main challenges that health professionals face in order to reduce morbidity and mortality rates. “Our vision is to be an innovative global health company that contributes to the sustainable development of society. In order to fulfill this purpose, at Daiichi Sankyo we have a fundamental value, innovation, the pillar on which all our operations revolve,” says Inmaculada Gil, general director of Daiichi Sankyo Spain.