Adif announced yesterday that it will complete next Sunday, May 5, what it calls the “first major milestone” in the works on the Valencia access channel and the remodeling of the Joaquín Sorolla station, the detour of the Madrid-València high-speed line . The action will free up space to advance with the execution of the structures – specifically, screens and slabs – of the future railway infrastructure integration tunnel in the capital of the Valencian Community.

This detour, which will be provisional, is located between the viaducts of Fernando Abril Martorell and Giorgeta avenues for 850 meters and is formed by a double-track platform, which runs parallel to the current route of the high-speed line. Adif details that the first 100 meters run on a concrete slab and the rest on ballast, having completely installed track, catenary, communication systems, security and signaling facilities, drainage, signage and the rest of the facilities.

The planning of the works is aimed at “minimizing the impact on the traveler,” they add, which is why the detour will be implemented in phases, carrying out the most complex actions at night. So far, Adif has erected two track devices that are being reinstalled on the provisional detour route and the connection of one of the two general circulation routes to the new route is being carried out, which will be put into service on April 28.

In parallel, Adif is also advancing in the connection to the detour of the other main road, an operation that will culminate on May 5, when a track apparatus is placed in its new position on the route from Castelló. From May 5 to 12, the actions will be verified. That is why they argue that “these complex operations are incompatible with the circulation of some services”, specifically in the Valencia-Castelló and Valencia-Madrid high-speed relations, in the final part of the day on the weekends of the 27th and 28th. April and May 4 to 5; and from 5 to 12 between Valencia and Castelló.

To guarantee the mobility of travelers, railway companies will adjust the schedules of some services and have scheduled an alternative transportation plan. The following phases will take place at night and on weekends and will consist of connecting the routes at both ends to transfer the lanes to the new detour; Likewise, the electrification systems, signaling and security installations will be adapted.

The Valencia Access Channel is a project promoted by the Sociedad València Parque Central, financed by Adif AV (50%), the Generalitat Valenciana (25%) and the Valencia City Council (25%). The works on the Valencia Access Canal and the remodeling of the Joaquín Sorolla station have European funding through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed by the European Union NextGenerationEU.