The notes for the extraordinary competitive examination to obtain a permanent teaching position in the public system were released today, after a delay of one week in the final publication. A third of those who applied, about 9,000, have not approved a basic syllabus and the defense of a didactic unit despite the fact that the examinations have been held “under more favorable conditions than in ordinary examinations” in order to stabilize the maximum number of students. places, according to sources from the Department of Education.

Those who have participated in the contest are teachers, many of whom are already working in public or charter schools or institutes, as early childhood and primary school teachers or as secondary school teachers. The majority are already interim, that is, they occupy a position that has not been awarded.

In any case, they have the required teaching requirements (for the preschool and primary stages) or they are graduates in some specialty and have a master’s degree in secondary school.

Of the 26,500 opponents of the 14,238 places, 8,955 have failed and 17,588 (66.2%) have passed the test, after the claims period after which a thousand people have entered.

Education sources have downplayed the failures that are already common in ordinary competitions. In fact, in these oppositions they have passed 66.2% when in ordinary oppositions this figure drops to 50%. “It is higher because the conditions are more favorable,” they added. They attribute unprepared topics, lack of time to prepare or having had a “bad day” to not scoring enough. Although they also admit basic errors.

The teacher exam consisted of two phases. The development of a topic, among five possible ones, and the presentation of a learning situation that required an oral defense. All the topics were the same in all the courts that evaluated that specialty.

Sources from members of tribunals maintain that they have been “generous” with the corrections but that they have encountered exams that were weak in content, with spelling mistakes and with the defense of teaching units copied directly from the examples given on the department’s website. Teachers must simulate the imparting of knowledge.

Most of the syllabus is taught in class at school or at the institute, except for some topics.

The 17,588 approved will not directly occupy the 14,238 places offered. The department has reported that there will be positions that will remain vacant due to lack of approved candidates and others, on the other hand, have more approved candidates than positions offered.

The people who are stabilized are 13,459. Therefore, some 4,129 approved candidates have been left without a place, for now. Now the ordering will be carried out by merit and they will enter until the places are filled. There will be vacancies in the specialties for which there are fewer approved candidates than there are places.

Those approved who do not obtain a place, however, will count as merit in the next ordinary opposition scheduled for the summer of 2024.

The selection of candidates will be carried out in the coming weeks. The test will count for 60% and the merits, the remaining 40%. Seniority, within merit, has such an important weight that people with a bare 5 but with many years of teaching can be ahead of other candidates with a 6.5 grade and little teaching. Experience in public centers counts more than in subsidized centers.
