The alert call from a girl of only 10 years old, who saw her mother being mistreated in her home, allowed the agents of the Local Police of Zaragoza to arrest a 32-year-old man as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence gender for attacking a woman with whom he has a romantic relationship.

The events in question took place last Sunday, May 12, around 9:40 p.m. at a home in the Aragonese capital. At that moment, the minor called 092 from the landline at her home and told the agents that a strong argument was taking place between her mother and her partner, during which the man repeatedly grabbed and pushed her. to the woman.

After receiving the notice, patrol officers rushed to the home, where they proceeded to arrest the man for a crime of gender violence. For her part, the woman had injuries, although it was not necessary to transfer her to a hospital.

Two days later, a similar situation occurred in the Aragonese capital when a police patrol was called to a property in the city at the request of a woman, who informed the officers that her 46-year-old husband had “slapped” her. , kicking and pushing” both her and her minor son.

Later, the suspect in the attack was located by the agents on public roads and detained to be brought to justice for a crime of gender violence.