20 years ago television reigned, newspapers were still sold mostly in paper form and we communicated mainly by telephone. Two decades ago, the best way to quickly know if you could meet someone was to send them a paid SMS, shortening the words used as much as possible or using the archaic Messenger.

In 2004 the Internet was a kind of primitive soup of what it is now and, of course, Facebook was released. The first of the great social networks was a revolution and that very young Mark Zuckerberg who at that time was barely twenty years old.

This year its most important creation, Facebook, also turns twenty years old and does so at a complicated time where it has become a not so essential platform for younger people, who have even grown up without seeing it as a revolution.

As if it were a villain from a work of dystopian fiction, Zuckerberg spoke privately with absolute surprise about the first people who signed up for the social network in 2004, which at that time was limited only to the Harvard campus and would end up being exported. to the entire planet.

“If you ever need data on anyone at Harvard, just ask me. I have over 4,000 emails, photos and addresses. People have just sent it, I don’t know why. They trust me…those damn idiots,” the White Plains businessman said.

Although it was not the first social network itself, it did bring immeasurable advances in its coming years that would leave us with something as fundamental as the ‘wall’ where we see our friends’ posts or ‘likes’, a system of social validation in Internet absolutely essential today.

According to the consultant specializing in innovation, Enrique San Juan, Facebook “has marked a before and after in the history of human communication and the Internet” and its impact “could be compared to the arrival of television or the mobile phone.”

A lot has happened since then and although the latest data shows that Facebook has 2,958 million users, the truth is that it is no longer the pioneering and revolutionary social network that it was twenty years ago and many others have passed it by, such as X itself. , Instagram and TikTok.

Facebook’s muscle in numbers is still valid, despite everything, and in Spain the amount of population that has an account on the platform is truly impressive: according to data from the consulting firm Gfk, a total of 33 million people have an active account on the platform. social network, which is equivalent to 68% of the population.

The latest fines in Europe and the United States for violating data protection have only been bumps in the road for the Silicon Valley company, and even its brand prestige seems to have not been seriously affected by the treatment of its users’ information. users.

Now the Meta conglomerate formed by Facebook itself, Instagram and Whatsapp has taken a totally different path than the original. Zuckerberg is totally convinced that the new mixed reality platforms will provide a feeling of realistic presence that will be at the center of future social communication experiences.

In fact, Meta fervently defends the metaverse: “We believe in the future of connections in the metaverse. Here you can get a front row seat to a concert, play a sport like your favorite athlete or fly like a superhero,” they explain.

Zuckerberg has recently gone further: ““At some point, I think you can create an AI version of yourself that can interact with people not after you die, but while you are here to help people fulfill this wish of interact with you and your desire to build a community,” he stated.

Training will be essential to understand the new changes of platforms like Facebook that bring us innovative proposals that can work or fail, which is why they require experts to analyze them.

With the Master’s Degree in Digital Marketing and Social Networks you will be able to learn about the ecosystems and the importance of digital transformation.

The PDD in Social Media and Advertising immerses you in the world of digital marketing, advertising and social networks, giving you a deep understanding of the latest trends and strategic approaches.

The Master in Community Management and Social Media Strategy seeks to provide you with the necessary skills to put into practice, in a professional and effective manner, techniques of a good content creator with the ability to manage the online community and the different existing blogs and platforms; On the other hand, you are taught in depth about Copywriting techniques and PPC campaigns.