Love for animals is a feeling that millions of people share in the world. We are all potential volunteers when it comes to adopting a pet and, many times, it is the animals themselves who choose the people and not the other way around.

This is what the story of a stray dog ​​who decided to sneak into a church where a wedding was taking place has shown us, and which has ended up going viral.

The dog was in the neighborhood when he noticed that a couple was celebrating their wedding in the church. Attracted by this scene, the furry boy decided to enter the church, eventually taking a nap.

When the newly married couple left the building, the furry man did not hesitate for a second to greet them, thus winning their hearts. Such was the crush that the couple decided to adopt the dog.

The tender story has already amassed thousands of views and comments on social media, where users have praised the young couple’s gesture: “This little dog has something spiritual,” says one user, while another states: “These types of videos always make me angry.” smile.”