A disciplinary file has been opened against the Poor Clare nuns of Belorado (Burgos) for owning a dog kennel without a license, as confirmed by the Territorial Delegation of the Junta de Castilla y León in Burgos.

Said sanctioning file against the convent was opened in April for not complying with the regulations. Apparently the nuns did not have a zoo license for a dog farm.

The nuns already made headlines last week after breaking with the Vatican. After the controversy, they have received notification of the opening of this sanctioning file, which is now in the allegations period.

Likewise, the Burgos Civil Guard has made it clear that in February 2023 an inspection was carried out at the convent following a series of complaints from neighbors due to barking dogs, the possible existence of a kennel in the area and the possible sale. of puppies online.

At that time, “absolutely nothing” related to possible animal abuse or improper facilities was observed, so the Civil Guard assured that the animals were “cared for and well cared for.”

This news has surprised the neighbors, as well as the Burgos Animal Protection Association. “Animals are beings of God and they should be the first to protect them,” said the animal protector in a statement on Facebook, where they showed her disapproval.